Page 20 - NAMAH-Oct-2017
P. 20

Namah                                  Vol. 25, Issue 3, 15th October 2017

        12. Why have other causes like stress, emotions  Hence, you are never healed; and you may
           and karma not been discussed?         be put on medication that has to be taken for
                                                 the rest of your life! Further, since the cause
        1. The modern approach in medicine       continues, newer symptoms keep on arising
                                                 from time to time and the treatment you get
        The modern approach is to classify a disease  only keeps on suppressing them.
        as a collection of symptoms and then to
        treat the symptoms with powerful drugs.  However, in the early stages, a disease is
        This method is very useful in treating life-  always just a functional disorder. If you choose
        threatening diseases and stubborn infections.  to suppress the symptoms at this stage, you
        However, most of our everyday illnesses are  bypass the healing that should happen at
        only functional disorders such as respiratory  this stage and allow the disease to become
        disorders like the common cold and cough; skin  internalised. Then it develops further and
        disorders like rashes that itch, dandruff and  becomes chronic; and ultimately it becomes
        foul odour; pains like headache, stiff-joints  degenerative wherein the structures of the
        and back pains; and digestive disorders like  organs like the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys,
        irritable bowels, constipation and flatulence.  etc. begin to break down. However, it does
        And for such ailments the modern medical  not bother the advocates of modern medicine
        science has no effective remedy. They only  since now they can show you the ‘wonders
        try to manage or relieve the symptoms of the  of surgery’. And of course, you have to pay
        disorder so as to provide some temporary  the price.
                                                 The basic problem with the modern approach
        2. What is so wrong with treating symptoms?  is that they focus only on relieving symptoms
                                                 (the localised manifestation of the disease) so
        When you habitually treat the symptoms of the  that they can deal with the ‘end spectrum’ of
        common functional disorders with drugs, you  the disease — where it becomes degenerative,
        only modify the symptoms without removing  and where it is most profitable for the medical
        the causes. And when the underlying causes  business.
        continue, the disease develops further and
        becomes chronic. It gives rise to annoying  3. Where exactly is the problem?
        symptoms like headaches, stuffed nose,
        acidity, gas trouble, rheumatic pain, skin rash,  Medical science has misrepresented the true
        respiratory allergy (like asthma, wheezing),  nature of a disease by considering it to be
        blood pressure, etc. Such chronic disorders  merely an effect on the body — as something
        are less intense in their effects, but they harass  that can be removed by external means like
        more since they last for a long time and recur  drugs and surgery. As a result the medical
        periodically.                            science keeps on searching for the remedy in
                                                 the wrong places; and looks for temporary
        And for such chronic conditions there are ‘no  solutions.
        outright cures’ — there are only medications that
        temporarily manage or relieve the symptoms.  The three big mistakes:

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