Page 25 - NAMAH-Oct-2017
P. 25
Namah Natural healing — in theory and practice
mountain water; and avoid drinking tap water 12. Why have other causes like stress,
or recycled water. Further, drinking water is emotions and karma not been discussed?
not the same thing as drinking beverages.
All these causes affect the body by disturbing
The time factor: the morning is naturally suited the vital force. And the weakness in the vital
to the function of elimination. Hence, at this force ultimately increases the toxaemia in
time avoid eating food, and drink a lot of the body. Hence, instead of complicating the
water. The digestion is strongest around issues, we have kept it simple. Our primary
midday. Hence, lunch should be your main focus is to induce healing by reducing the
meal. Take rest after eating a big meal. The toxaemia. We want you to experience some
digestive fire becomes weak on overcast days benefit by doing this practice. Then you can
and in the rainy season. Hence, eat less on go further and uncover the complexity of
such days and in the corresponding season. the situation.
Prashant S. Shah is an author, healer, spiritual guide and counsellor from Vadodara, India. He has a
website at .