Page 23 - NAMAH-Oct-2017
P. 23

Namah                            Natural healing — in theory and practice

          the vital force will be able to perform the   to be made.
          function of healing naturally          b. Some people understand the message
        b. Correct your lifestyle, eating habits, etc. so   of natural healing, but still they do not
          that toxins are not allowed to accumulate   pursue it. That happens because they lack
          in the body.                             the will-power that is necessary to change
                                                   their lifestyle, diet and emotional habits. So
        So, once toxaemia exists in the body, the   they come for advice, but they are actually
        work of elimination becomes the most crucial   looking for a quick fix. These people don’t
        factor for our health. It becomes our bottleneck   want to accept the responsibility for their
        problem. Then our vital force will use every   health. So, they prefer to take the pill and
        acute illness to throw out the toxins that have   settle for some temporary relief.
        accumulated in the body.
                                                 9. How to detoxify the body
        How can we assist this elimination process?
        At such times the natural instinct of the  Naturopathy uses many methods for reducing
        body is to rest and abstain from eating. If  the toxins in the body, such as fasting; water
        we eat at such times, the food will remain  cure; baths; packs; elimination diets, etc. Here
        undigested and become an extra load on our  we discuss the simple method of elimination
        system. Instead, if we provide the condition  diet.
        of total rest — rest from work and rest from
        digestion, the reserve vital force of the body  The diet is to simply eat only fruits for breakfast.
        will take up the task of cleansing our system.  The diet has two considerations:
        Thus, we have to only conserve our vitality  a. You give the body a long period of rest from
        so that the vital force can complete the task   digestion on a daily basis. Then the body
        of elimination. However, if we suppress the   will use the extra vitality that becomes
        symptoms with drugs during this process,   available to eliminate the toxins.
        we disturb the natural feedback mechanism  b. Next, you eat fruits that have good cleansing
        the body uses to guide the vital force.    properties for breakfast. They assist in
                                                   eliminating the toxins.
        8. If natural healing is so simple, why isn’t
        everyone doing it?                       The best fruits are black grapes, pomegranate,
                                                 guava and papaya. Other good fruits are apples,
        We can explain it in two ways:           figs, prunes, jambu, orange, mango, peach,
        a. Most people do not know what they need  pears, grapefruit, chiku, and dates. All these
          to do to restore their health. So perhaps it  fruits have cleansing properties and require
          is more appropriate to ask: Why has natural  very little effort of digestion.
          healing not been popularised? Natural healing
          is not something new. It has been around  The correct way to eat fruits: when you use
          for centuries. However, its message has got  fruits to detoxify your body, do not eat them
          lost in our times since the modern medical  along with other foods that require a lot of
          business is not interested in finding a  digestion. When you mix fruits with other
          solution from which there is no money  food, the mixture stays in stomach for a long

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