Page 22 - NAMAH-Oct-2017
P. 22
Namah Vol. 25, Issue 3, 15th October 2017
digestion, assimilation and elimination in the Natural healing considers the germs and
body. Through digestion, it transforms the bacteria as nature’s scavengers that mainly
food into material that the body can use. carry out the function of decomposing the
Through assimilation, it transforms the waste-products of the body and preparing
digested food into body tissue or oxidises it them so that they can be easily eliminated.
to generate energy. And through elimination (They also assist digestion and perform
it removes the waste-products. That is, it other functions like synthesizing vitamins.)
decomposes the waste — the poisonous However, the germs and bacteria are harmless
and dead materials — so that they can be against healthy living cells. They become
easily eliminated from the body. All these complicating factors in a disease only after the
functions are complementary and are carried conditions of disease, the toxaemia, already
out simultaneously or side by side. exists.
Whenever there is some disturbance or excess Once waste-matter has accumulated, the
in our life, the vital force gets depleted. Then cells lose their vitality. Then the bacteria can
it becomes insufficient. Then our digestion, decompose them and feed on them. However,
assimilation and elimination also become in our healthy condition the cells are not
weak and our system becomes sluggish. affected by bacteria. Further, the by-products
That is, our digestion is incomplete; our of bacterial decomposition become dangerous
assimilation is poor; and all this stuff has to only when they accumulate. Hence, so long as
be decomposed so that it can be thrown out. our body is able to eliminate the toxins there
The ultimate effect is that there is a gradual is nothing to fear from germs and bacteria!
build-up of toxins or waste-products in
the body at the cellular level. And once Natural healing systems regard an infection
the ‘toxin level’ is higher than the body as a subsequent complication that arises when
can tolerate, the body’s resistance to the the primary disease factor, the toxaemia,
external agents of disease like allergens, already exists. Thus, the disease is not the
germs, etc is lost. And that makes the body result of an attack by germs. The germs
susceptible to illness. only grow when the body or a body organ
has become vulnerable. And if that is true,
6. Aren’t germs and bacteria the causes it is more appropriate to focus on building
of disease? your immunity and resistance to germs and
bacteria by detoxifying your system than to
Modern medical science makes you believe focus on destroying all the external agents
that germs, bacteria, microbes, viruses and of disease.
parasites are the causes of your disease.
However, natural healing considers them 7. The fundamental steps of natural healing
as only the external agents of the disease and
not the true causes. Just as flies breed where The remedy in natural healing is simple:
you keep your garbage, so also germs breed a. Reduce the existing ‘toxin level’ in the
easily when the body or an organ is loaded body. It will reduce your susceptibility to
with toxins! disease. Once the toxin level is lowered,