Page 33 - NAMAH-Oct-2017
P. 33

Namah                                            Evolution Next — XIII

        Nature has now begun to work upon. Due  age and disease and who knows possibly
        to the long period of evolution, more and  eventual disintegration of the body will
        more souls are waking up. The mind itself  no more be there. But even if that does
        has accelerated in its development and  not happen there is another problem. As
        the force of life seeks to go much beyond  of now, Nature has created processes for
        what has been or can be accomplished  the transfer of information from a living
        given the restrictions of the human body  body to the soul converting it into soul-
        and its intricate anatomy. This deeper  values after whatever time it may take.
        need is declaring itself in imagination and  But the occult and subtle means are there.
        fictions but also in efforts of science to  However with the switching over to more
        prolong life, to perfect the human apparatus,  inorganic substances, say a silicon chip and
        even to find ways and means to create or  modified plastic or rubber into an organ,
        manufacture new devices. It will not be  there will be a disconnect between the soul
        surprising if science prompted by Mother  and the body even though the body itself
        Nature, disclosing some of her secrets,  may function very well. This may be even
        actually ends up finding ways and means  more frustrating since the human body is
        to bypass the heart and lungs without the  not just for survival but also a means for
        cumbersome machinery that is needed  evolution. This will defeat Nature’s deepest
        now. We may even be able some day to  intention which is to evolve matter itself
        replace each part and organ with some  under the pressure of the soul. While
        other kind of matter that is more durable  it is natural that the intention of Nature
        and lasting. However this process has one  may well be misread and scientists try to
        inherent danger. Once science develops  develop synthetic organs, it is unlikely that
        something it is eventually available for  Nature will allow it as anything more than
        general use. Besides practically this general  a passing means, a means to keep the urge
        use, generally means that the richer will  for bodily transformation alive in man. But
        be able to access these possibilities more  if the experiment goes too far it may either
        than the poor ones. After all these devices  simply find ways and means to destroy the
        need money and resources and even if the  human species as it has done in the past or
        scientists are well-intentioned the sheer  else it may abandon the effort with man
        economy-driven society will end up with  to divinise matter and choose some other
        this gap. This means that we will have  species, the dolphins for instance, for her
        a situation wherein a better body with  grand and greatest of all adventures or even
        replaced organs is at the disposal of a man  move over to some other planet capable
        with an undeveloped mind and a crude life  of upholding the psychic flame for the
        force and a yet-to-awaken soul. One dreads  evolutionary adventure. It will be a sad loss
        such a civilisational misadventure as it will  to earth, a forfeiting of her destiny if that
        most certainly lead to the destruction of  were ever to happen. Hence this may well
        the human race given as man will end up  be at worst a last resort, for Nature does
        with gigantic appetites which he will have  not give up the secret Will that drives it and
        now at his disposal the physical apparatus  is ready to work for another billion years
        to satisfy. The natural limiting factor of  to achieve its purpose. But for man as we

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