Page 37 - NAMAH-Oct-2017
P. 37
An armchair view of physicians and patients
Ashok Kumar Bhatia
Physicians are exposed to varying degrees of professional, scientific, administrative, commercial,
personal and behavioural challenges. Despite these, they try to do their best to deliver, upholding the
best standards of their profession. One of their main challenges is to handle a baffling variety of patients
they come across. In our stressed-out times, The Hippocratic Oath might appear to be relegated to the
background, but it is surely alive and kicking. While physicians deserve to be applauded for their inner
resilience, most patients need to resort to spirituality to improve upon theirs.
Those who practise as physicians in our physician ends up spending sleepless nights,
society are increasingly being looked upon adroitly juggling his official commitments
with some suspicion. Dig a little deeper and and personal relations, often messing up both.
one is apt to find that they are more to be
pitied than censured. Latest advancements in medicine keep them on
their toes. So does the competition from various
A physician is denied the fundamental right streams of medicine, such as Homoeopathy,
to some solitude. Even at a social gathering, AAyurveda, Yuunaann, Siddha and many other
he is likely to be surrounded by wannabe local variants of each of these streams.
patients who are keen to seek his impromptu Superstitions, local beliefs, religion and social
advice as to the latest affliction the party has norms are but some of the constraints which
heard about and imagines he or she to be need to be kept in mind. Legal tangles, such
suffering from. as those that apply to road accident cases,
keep them on the defensive.
Close relatives are not too considerate either.
A distant relative might call late at night, In advanced countries, they face tough customer
skilfully steering the conversation from care regulations. In emerging economies like
children’s career prospects to the current bout India, they suffer humiliation — occasionally
of migraine he happens to be suffering from. violent — at the hands of irate relatives and
If anyone in the circle of friends or relatives well-wishers of patients if the latter perceive
happens to be admitted to a hospital, the the medical service provided to their kith and