Page 34 - NAMAH-Oct-2017
P. 34
Namah Vol. 25, Issue 3, 15th October 2017
know today it will simply be a catastrophic the Mother, the pioneers of this Evolution
end to a brilliant start. Let us hope and trust Next, there are a growing number of
that this will not be the route mankind will human beings who have not only reached
take beyond a point. But one cannot deny this turning point but are being led in the
that the danger is not there. Man has always intended direction. I say led, because it is
mistranslated the intention of Nature and not so much their effort but the Unseen
hence great and far advanced civilisations Hand of Grace that seems to push them
have plunged suddenly into darkness and towards the Future even when everything
gone into utter oblivion so much so that not in them is not collaborating. What we have
even traces are left of their existence except to see is whether the misusing section gets
in some psychic memory of the race. the upper hand and destroys Nature in the
process or those in whom the evolution is
The diversion of evolutionary energy being worked out intensely, picking up
a more and more rapid pace depending
This is however only one of the dangers of upon how much the person allows and can
the effort to create a new body more suitable withstand the evolutionary heat and the
for the indwelling deity. A similar danger pressure, the oestrus of a new creation so
arises because Nature has accelerated the to say. Evolution is not an easy process,
evolutionary impetus within herself and especially in the early batches of humanity
man is feeling its heat. It is like the burst of where it is a bit uncertain which way the
a tremendous energy being given to us for a evolutionary experiment will go. Once it
New Creation. But the question is whether is stabilised then it is a different matter.
man is ready to receive this energy boost It will become standardised and easier for
or not. So far he has misused whatever others. But for now we, even among the
new thing has come to earth. This may best, are still in the making, half-baked,
not matter much since that is always the half-willing, half-resisting but flowing with
first step, as long as he eventually learns it nevertheless! This is a crucial period and
fast enough to course-correct himself and let us hope that the race between mutual
diverts this Energy for the real purposes it is destruction and the New Creation will be
given. Nevertheless there is the danger that won by the yet-to-come super-humanity
mankind may simply misuse and mis-spend of the future. There may even be a conflict,
this Energy in recreation and procreation who knows, between the old and the new
rather than in New Creation. Here however species as distinctive differences emerge
we need not assume that the entire race will in ways of thinking, feeling, living and
use it for the true purposes. It is enough being. After all humanity itself evolved
if there are a critical number of persons through this conflict between two sub-
who are inwardly awake and conscious species of a pro-humanity that no longer
enough to use it for the true purposes, that exists except as a fossil. Possibly much of
is of transforming the human consciousness what we call or recognise and identify today
and along with it the very human body. as humanity may eventually be left aside
Fortunately, thanks to the tremendous as a fossil as the super-humanity evolves
efforts and tapasyaa of Sri Aurobindo and with some connecting links remaining here