Page 35 - NAMAH-Oct-2017
P. 35

Namah                                            Evolution Next — XIII

        and there for the evolutionary energy to  may become prone to rhythm and other
        find its way from matter to the Spirit. But  disturbances. The lungs themselves may
        the risk of a conflict cannot be excluded.  develop new modes of absorbing energy
        Of course the danger is there only up to a  and the complicated breathing apparatus
        point after which one has negotiated the  may be slowly replaced by a direct drawing
        troubled waters.                         of energy from all around us. The body may
                                                 become increasingly light-sensitive and
        The problem of adaptation                many of its ailments may simply be healed
                                                 by light-infusion. Still further, it may become
        There is however yet another danger and  more and more open to spiritual and higher
        it comes from the very nature of evolution.  forces with a corresponding molecular
        All evolution is eventually an adaptation  shift leading to self-healing through mere
        of the new and the old. The old body has  invocation of Peace and higher energies.
        to learn to adapt to the New Consciousness  These things are not entirely new to humanity.
        and increase its receptivity towards the  Certain spearheads of humanity have
        change. However in the process it may  experienced these things in higher states
        experience many disturbances, which to  of consciousness but these have been more
        a superficial way of seeing may appear  as a promise, individual freaks rather
        as diseases and even be diagnosed as  than as something generalised in the race,
        such, but they are actually evolutionary  which is what evolution is eventually about.
        passages, a curve or bend where one mode  The individuals multiply and eventually
        of functioning is ending or fading away  there is a shift in the functioning of the
        while the other mode is developing. Thus  larger group. Each individual realising
        for example, we can envisage that the need  and working out the shift within himself
        for food and sleep may reduce and that  makes it easier for others. He takes upon
        source of pleasure called sex becomes no  himself as it were, the burden of those who
        more pleasurable but even painful. The  will follow. His successes set the tone and
        pressure of evolutionary forces in these  the pace and increase the momentum of
        corresponding organs may increase the  change, but even his failures pave the way.
        risk of their breakdowns. The nerves and
        the circulation may also undergo changes  A word of hope
        at the cellular and molecular levels which
        may find full expression later on as new  This is as far we can envisage now. For the
        ways of functioning. But during the passage  rest we have to leave it to the Eye of Wisdom
        the human physiology and biochemistry  that is ever awake within us and the all-
        may take a hit, especially when the transfer  fulfilling march of Time to unfold in its own
        is taking place between the old and the  way and through its own means. For once
        new mode of functioning. Our heart may  the mandate has gone by then eventually
        become increasingly sensitive to our inner  nothing can resist and whatever stands in
        states and eventually be driven by some  the way will simply have to pass away into
        central will and energy within us. But  the shadows, for the march towards the
        meanwhile and before that happens, it  future is the one certainty regardless of

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