Page 21 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 21
Namah Assisting holistic healing with biochemic tissue-salts
during this period we have to manage our and constitutional.
smaller discomforts without going back to
taking medicines. In the present article, we The healing crisis
explain the process of natural healing, the
small healing crisis that usually arises on the The detox process that we talk of takes time.
way, and a convenient and effective way to It doesn’t happen in days; it takes months.
manage our symptoms without disturbing The residue of the medicines and the body
the process of natural healing. toxins that have accumulated over the years
have to be expelled. During this process some
Contents bouts of discomfort will be experienced and
1. How a disease progresses inward some old symptoms will resurface before
2. The healing crisis they are finished.
3. What usually happens when you suppress
the symptoms These symptoms are somewhat similar
4. Managing your illness with Dr. Schuessler’s to what is experienced during an acute
tissue-salts disease. However, we call them the healing
5. The principle or elimination crisis and do not consider them
6. The twelve biochemic tissue-salts to be a disease like infections. The reason is
that these symptoms are a part of the healing
How a disease progresses inward process, and so they must not be suppressed
with medicines. You have to endure a little and
Once our vital force has become weak due to drink plenty of water to assist the elimination
toxaemia, the body’s reserve vital force will process.The usual symptoms that arise are
try to restore it through several small bouts nausea, restlessness, headache, aching muscles,
of acute/healing crisis. The illness that arises lethargy, running nose, cough, fever, coated
on the way to health is usually superficial, tongue, gas, purging, skin rashes, bad breath
short-lived and self-curative. If you let the and body odour.
disease take its own course, it will pass away.
And the detoxification that happens during If the elimination crisis becomes intense, you
the process will strengthen the vital force. have to rest and follow a diet plan that is
usually recommended for acute illnesses. It
On the other hand, if we suppress the symptoms is as follows: drink vegetable soup, diluted
with medicines, our vital force becomes weaker. fruit juice or juice of ash-gourd (dudhi). If you
Then the symptoms get internalised and the feel you must eat something, then take some
disease progresses. At first it becomes chronic cooked vegetables or seasonal fruits. When
and then further, it becomes destructive. Most the hunger returns, start with porridge or
present-day chronic diseases are actually the khichidi with mung dal and some salads.
results of misdirected medical treatment. Instead of
cleansing the body to eliminate the toxins, the What usually happens when you suppress
symptoms are suppressed to give immediate the symptoms
temporary relief. As a result the toxin level
increases and the disease becomes deep-rooted Let us consider the most common functional