Page 24 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 24

Namah                                  Vol. 25, Issue 4, 15th January 2018

        Ferrum Phos                              or thrush in the mouth.
        This salt is a constituent of the red blood
        corpuscles, which act as the carrier of oxygen  This salt will relieve rheumatic swellings and
        to the different organs of the body. Whenever  detoxify the lymph and glandular systems of
        there is infection or inflammation in any  the body. It is very useful in earaches with
        part of the body (heat, redness and pain),  congestion in the Eustachian tubes (so that
        the temperature rises to fight the bacteria or  hearing is affected).
        virus and unless it rises beyond 102 degrees,
        it should not be suppressed. This salt is most  To be taken when the skin is dry with white
        useful at this stage. It is the ‘rescue remedy’  scales and the eczema is dry. This salt is the
        in all acute illnesses.                  biochemic ‘first-aid’ for burns and blisters.
                                                 It stops the wound from bleeding and heals
        Thus, Ferrum Phos is used during the first  it faster.
        stage of fevers and at the onset of acute
        respiratory illnesses (like coughs or colds),  Here the digestion is very sluggish. Often
        before any swellings or discharges have  there is indigestion or diarrhoea from consuming
        developed. The person will be listless and  rich or fatty food.
        there is redness of parts, but with no other
        clear symptoms.                          Kali Phos
                                                 This is the mineral constituent of the grey
        Lack of this salt causes the muscle fibres  matter of nerve fibres, like the brain. It is used
        to relax. Hence, there is dilation with the  as a nerve tonic for people in the convalescent
        accumulation of blood, and sometimes  stage of any acute illness (especially after flu)
        with haemorrhage. It is the first remedy  where there is nervous exhaustion. Give it
        for earaches and for nosebleeds after an  freely to people who are under the pressure
        injury.                                  of mental work or studying (exams) or to
                                                 executives who are burning out from stress,
        Kali Mur                                 or to any person who shows the need for
        This cell salt unites with albumen (protein) to  warmth and rest.
        form fibrin, which is found in all tissues of the
        body except bone. When Kali Mur is deficient,  This salt relieves the nervousness that arises
        the fibrin becomes non-functional and causes  from emotional stress. Hence, it is ideally
        a thick, whitish discharge from the mucus  suited to people who ‘fly off the handle for
        membranes. The tongue is typically coated  no good reason’; where there is hysteria,
        white.                                   depression or tantrums.

        Kali Mur is most useful in treating the second  This salt is also useful in septic conditions
        stage of inflammations and congestions. It  where there is a decay of the nerve fibres.
        helps in all catarrhal conditions such as  The fever is high (as in intestinal fever); the
        coughs, stuffy head colds, chest colds or  breath and body odour are foul (as in tooth
        stuffed sinuses, etc. where there is swelling  decay); the discharges are also foul smelling
        or white discharge. There may be white ulcers  and bloody (as in gangrene); and the tongue

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