Page 23 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 23
Namah Assisting holistic healing with biochemic tissue-salts
of these inorganic salts in the body tissues, Cal Phos
certain typical symptoms are found to arise. This salt is associated with defective
So, when you observe these symptoms in a nutrition in bones, muscle and glands and
person, all you have to do is to supply the with teething troubles in children. It is
deficient salt in a potentised form (6x). It will an essential mineral in gastric juices that
stimulate the vital force, which resume the are necessary for protein assimilation.
healing. Hence, it is given for building blood cells
(anaemia), muscles (strength) and bones (as
The twelve biochemic tissue-salts in teething). It is commonly used as a tonic
to quicken recovery after an illness or after
Here we give the ‘signature’ of the twelve there have been exhausting albuminous
biochemic tissue-salts. You will find a more discharges and during menopause.
detailed discussion in the author’s book
(The Biochemic Prescriber, available from The deficiency of this salt causes a foul taste
Amazon and Kindle online stores). These in the mouth along with bloating, flatulence
biochemic tissue salts are available at most or heartburn. Often the person cannot wear
homoeopathic pharmacies. tight clothing. And there are freckles and
pimples on the face.
Cal Fluor
This salt governs the elasticity of the muscular This salt is also used to treat aching pains
fibres and connective tissues. Its deficiency in bones, cartilages, joints and muscles;
makes the skin, muscles, ligaments and/or for healing brittle bones or bones after a
veins lose their elasticity. Hence, the ruling fracture; and for treating the effects of wasting
symptom is loss of flexibility, elasticity or diseases like TB, sexual excess and emotional
chronic dilation. disorders.
Thus, it will heal a prolapsed uterus or Cal Sulf
bladder (with dragging-down sensations); The main function of this salt is to remove
haemorrhoids (that itch and bleed); joints that impurities (like pus) from the skin and blood.
easily dislocate; glands that have hardened These impurities show their effect on the
and calcified since exudation was difficult; mucous membranes and the skin: the boils
skin that is cracked or chapped; and veins or abscesses discharge, but do not heal.
that have become varicose.
The different organs of the body cannot
It is also useful for overcoming loose teeth perform their tasks well when the blood
and receding gums and for treating lumps becomes toxic with pus. Hence, this salt
that develop on bones (after a bad bruise to is often used as an inter-current remedy
a bone or a fracture) or around joints (after while treating chronic coughs, colds,
a bad sprain). It also strengthens bones that earaches, eczemas, and eye infections. The
tend to bend, as in bow legs or hunched discharges are characteristically thick and
back; or where spurs have developed, as in yellow. It serves as an expectorant in chest
osteoarthritis. congestions.