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Namah Turmeric: a natural anti-inflammatory tonic
Contra-indications Jul 1995; 7:47(2): 59-67.
Having been graded ‘Generally Recognized 3. Araujo CC, Leon LL. Biological activities of
as Safe’ (GRAS) status in the United States of Curcuma longa L. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 2001;
America by the Food and Drug Administration 96: 723-8 [PubMed].
(FDA), turmeric is well tolerated by most
people. Avoid turmeric during pregnancy. 4. Aggarwal BB, Takada Y, Oommen O V. From
Not for use in pregnancy unless otherwise chemoprevention to chemotherapy: Common
directed by a qualified expert. Therapeutic targets and common goals. Expert OpinInvestig
quantities should not be taken by people with Drugs 2004; 3:1327-38. [PubMed].
bile duct obstructions or gallstones (34).
5. Araujo CC, Leon LL. Biological activities of
Toxicity Curcuma longa L. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 2001;
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No significant toxicity has been reported
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of turmeric extracts at standard doses. Roles of Curcumin: Lessons Learned from
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Conclusion PMCID: PMC3535097
Turmeric, a widely-studied plant, has been 7. Yallapu MM, Nagesh PK, Jaggi M, Chauhan
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of inflammatory health conditions. Research 2015 Sep 3.
demonstrates it to be a powerful spice, with
curcumin as its primary active constituent 8. Anand P, Kunnumakkara AB, Newman RA,
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