Page 23 - NAMAH-Apr-2018
P. 23
Namah Turmeric: a natural anti-inflammatory tonic
individuals experienced symptomatic relief in
drying up of lesions. 10% patients with external
of patients experienced cancerous lesions.
reduction in lesion size and
pain (18).
A study published in Curcumin and paclitaxel
International Journal of were evaluated with two
Oncology, revealed that human breast cancer
curcumin increases the cell lines as the luminal
apoptotic (apoptosis MCF-7 and the basal-
means cell death) like MDA-MB-231 that
effect of paclitaxel are either positive or
(chemotherapeutic drug) negative for hormonal
in breast cancer and its receptors oestrogen
concomitant use may receptor, progesterone
reduce the toxicity of the receptor and HER2,
therapy (19). respectively.
Researchers at University 2g curcumin three times
of Rochester Medical Center a day (total 6 g.) and
have proven that daily radiotherapy.
supplementation of turmeric
significantly reduces the
rate of radiation dermatitis
in patients suffering from
breast cancer and receiving
radiotherapy (20)
Colorectal The body weight of 360 mg curcumin 3
cancer curcumin patients increased times per day followed
approximately 4 % vs by radiotherapy,
weight loss of 6% in the chemotherapy, chemo-
placebo group (21). radiotherapy; or no
additional therapy.
Lung cancer One month Turmeric dosing 1.5 g. of turmeric for 30
significantly reduced days.
the urinary excretion of 16 chronic smokers and 6
mutagens in smokers. non-smokers were in the
Dietary turmeric can act as control group.
an effective anti-mutagen
in smokers and can reduce
the risk of lung cancer and
cancer lesions (22).