Page 8 - NAMAH-Apr-2018
P. 8

Namah                                    Vol. 26, Issue 1, 24th April 2018

        the significant landmarks achieved are  leads to the depths of one’s inmost recesses
        preserved in the memory traces of the cosmic  to access the essence of the being. Indeed it
        Inconscience to act as templates for future  would be a tragedy to die without utilising
        creations. If Braahma of the Indian trinity  the freedom and opportunity to create a more
        creates and SSiva dissolves creation, Vissnnu  illumined future life. In Buddhist parlance,
        the Great Preserver has to maintain the  the greater tragedy would be the resultant
        memory traces ‘in between’ creations in his  inability to come out of the misery of future
        timeless slumber so beautifully portrayed in  meaningless lives.
        his reclining poise of anantassayana.
        Likewise, when an individual departs,
        the significant impressions of a life-time  This means that one has to be prepared for
        encrypted in the soul-essence outlive the  a meaningful death. People believe that
        life-span and remain as memory traces in  death would automatically give one rest
        the cosmic consciousness to act as templates  and respite so that the soul is ready for its
        for future lives. In the Integral vision of Sri  onward journey. But this does not happen
        Aurobindo and The Mother, this soul-essence  from the occult point of view. The demise of
        is represented by the Psychic Being that is the  the body does not imply that all the desires,
        evolving poise of the soul and travels from  vital longings and strong attachments of the
        birth to birth, projecting a distinct outward  subject get vaporised. On the contrary they
        personality in each birth in consonance with the  remain in the ambience. The Mother explains,
        cultural milieu and Zeitgeist of that era. If an  “When you die you lose only your body and at
        individual has lived a worthy life with intensely  the same time the possibilities of relation with
        lived moments, if one has had the good fortune   and action on the material world. But all that
        of receiving inspired knowledge, enjoyed  belongs to the vital world does not disappear
        unmotivated bliss, if one has cultivated lofty  with the material substance; all your desires,
        values, if one has been through creative   attachments, cravings persist with the sense
        forays, then the essence of all such mighty  of frustration and disappointment, and all that
        moments are preserved in the Psychic Being,  prevents you from finding the expected peace.
        carried beyond the life-span, ‘in between’   To enjoy a peaceful and eventless death you
        births to act as templates for future lives.   must prepare for it (4).”

        The individual has therefore a great respons-  The great Master, Padma Sambhava, had
        ibility, greater than earning one’s livelihood,  chronicled in the eighth or ninth century
        fulfilling one’s ambitions or maintaining  the meticulous experiments carried out by
        one’s family. The individual is responsible  Tibetan monks to prepare for a meaningful
        for creating a more beautiful and harmonious  death with creative potentials for future lives.
        future life in future births. One need not  This required a charting of a road-map ‘in
        ponder over the future but live the present  between’ death and rebirth, the preparation
        life in intense inner moments that raises one  for traversing this road map by those who
        to the highest superconscient experiences,  were still living and a step by step assistance
        widens one to the cosmic consciousness and  to the departed by his fellow-monks for an

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