Page 11 - NAMAH-Apr-2018
P. 11

An integral exploration of the benefits of meditation

        Dorathea Thompson

        Meditation can be defined as a systematic form of mind-training brought about through our
        concentration on a predetermined object of focus. In this article, we will explore the comprehensive and
        integral benefits derived from the practice of meditation.

        The transformative powers of meditation  anxiety and depressive mood disorders.
        have been ascribed to by many ancient
        cultures and traditions. Today, meditation  In the discussion to follow, we will look
        practices are immensely influential among  at the numerous benefits of meditation
        educational institutions, contemporary  and their relationship to a psycho-spiritual
        thinkers, medical professionals, poets and  evolution. While this paper focuses mainly
        psychologists. Currently, in the United  on a structured meditation approach, we are
        States, ‘mindfulness training’ a subset of  quick to remember that this practice need not
        awareness-related practices, is springing  be confined strictly to the meditation cushion.
        up in an eclectic range of arenas. It’s found  Rather, as Sri Aurobindo reiterates: “All life is
        in the corporate world, in mainstream  Yoga.” Every action expressed through body,
        allopathic medicine, in yoga aasana centres  speech and mind can be used as a practice
        and in business consulting firms. Likewise, in  for radical spiritual migration. Taking up
        large, established, more progressive corporate  self-awareness as a discipline, being fully
        companies like Google and LinkedIn, we see  present in every moment, in every encounter,
        entire programmes with dedicated staff  is how one lives intentionally. Yet, structured
        encouraging the role of mindfulness at the  programmes can, for some, be a portal in
        individual and interpersonal level. Highly-  harnessing our energies towards an ascending
        regarded hospitals are complementing their  evolution trajectory. It provides a mechanism
        treatment plans with meditation techniques  to formulate a positive conditioned response
        to relieve both pain and stress. Medical and  that we can stabilise with a certain consistency
        psychological professionals have likewise  and mastery. Today, perhaps more than any
        been prescribing these approaches for pain  other time in history, we are confronted with
        management, stress reduction and a host of  endless distractions. Maintaining a mind that

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