Page 13 - NAMAH-Apr-2018
P. 13

Namah                   An integral exploration of the benefits of meditation

        system kicks in, activating a fight, flight or  whatever undesirable momentary mental
        freeze reaction. We might start trembling, the  state, immediately deflates the intensity of
        heartbeat starts racing and we perspire, as we  the moment and allows us to experience the
        experience these primal emotions. The mind  event from a broader, calmer, more accepting
        is a powerful link in the process and through  perspective. We are no longer in the grips
        the mind, we can alter, redirect and calm these  of the troubling present moment but rather
        emotions. This knowledge, coupled with the  the observer to our own drama, an act that
        fact that there is a symbiotic relationship  creates an immediate shift.
        between mind and body linked by the breath,
        as referred to earlier, makes meditation a very  While rather simple to describe, the ability
        practical and effective tool in dealing with the  to master this state can be quite challenging,
        life challenges that are thrust upon us. We  yet awareness meditation, with its focus on
        have in essence, at our disposal, a practical  undivided attention to the present moment,
        and effective tool, on demand, for emotional  can elicit cathartic inner states of insight, joy
        rebalancing, something that can restore us  and wisdom.
        back to a calmer and clearer emotional state.
                                                 6. Awareness meditations — unblocking
        5. Awareness meditations                 psychological dynamics

        The transformative power ascribed to self-  One of the most confounding mysteries and
        awareness meditation has been embraced by  challenges facing us as human beings is that
        many ancient spiritual traditions. In the Hindu-  we are often strangers to ourselves. Often,
        based Kriya Yoga tradition, it is known as  behaviour, reactions and feelings that arise in
        Shuddi Dhyana. In the Zen Buddhist tradition,  the moment are provoked by ancient patterns,
        it is referred to as Shikantaza. For Tibetan  whether personal, ancestral or transpersonal,
        Buddhists, there is Mahamudra and Dzogchen  lodged in our subconscious and unconscious.
        while Theravada Buddhists practise Vipassana or  While a certain amount of self-denial may be
        Insight meditation. These formless meditative  self-protective and thus should be honoured,
        practices, though known by various names,  ongoing lack of self-disclosure makes for
        vary only slightly in their techniques. What  a life that feels disconnected, distorted,
        is common to all of them is the presence of  bewildering to ourselves and alienating to
        an awareness-mind consciousness; a mind  others. The power of self-awareness allows us
        that is fully engaged in the present moment,  to firstly garner insight into the cause of the
        in the here and now, in a continuous flow.  issue at hand breaking through into a deeper
        This awareness state can be likened to taking  intellectual, emotional and psychological
        the position of the film director rather than  understanding of our situation.
        the actor. It requires that we rest in the place
        of observation and resist the forceful pull to  A case drawn from personal clinical experience
        entertain whatever sense/mind distraction  exemplifies this point. A patient had been
        is arising in the moment. This simple act of  hounded and bullied by an older brother as
        mentally stepping outside of ourselves to  a child, told he was incompetent, inadequate
        observe the nature of our mind, caught in  and a truant. Decades later, when this man’s

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