Page 9 - NAMAH-Apr-2018
P. 9

Namah                                                       Editorial

        onward journey crossing hurdles of the  around this deeper principle named as the
        occult realms. This road-map is borne by  Psychic Being which is actually a projection
        an esoteric mandala of a hundred archetypal  of the ‘Unevolving Self’ in the manifestation.
        deities representing psychological attributes  The Psychic Being serves the material life
        that range from those representing higher  by being a more harmonious centre of the
        planes of consciousness to those representing  being than the ego which was skewed in its
        ‘energy-fields’ and those presiding over  functioning. It also serves the spiritual life by
        disembodied, formless realms.The deities  integrating the myriad strands of the being,
        have to be invoked with inner offerings  facilitating its ascent along the trajectory
        produced by one’s own self-habits of mind  of Consciousness. The Psychic Being is a
        and body so as to procure deliverance from  harbinger of unalloyed Joy and Light and is
        the straits of the ‘in between’ through  intuitive in character. It retains the deepest
        transmutation of ignorance, lust, hate, pride  impressions of life to be carried beyond
        and envy (5).                            the lifespan. These impressions remain as
                                                 memory traces in the cosmic consciousness
        Such detailed, meticulous and exacting  to act as templates for future lives. If the
        preparation for dying was developed in the  Psychic Being is consciously cultivated, not
        Tibetan monastery and perfected through  only can we have an integrated personality
        years and years of inner research. It is true  ready for an illumined material life as well
        that it would be difficult to replicate this  as spiritual embarking but we can also create
        practice in a world outside the monastery and  our future lives.
        especially in the modern era where the Time-
        Spirit is pressing for a synthesis of material  As Vishnu lies in his cosmic trance hidden
        life and spirituality. After all, the Zeitgeist  from our mortal eyes, the Psychic Being
        has different denouements at different  also lies in the depths of the being veiled
        historical and cultural eras and we have to  by our personality and outer senses. It is a
        move forward in alignment with its nuances.  great psycho-spiritual pursuit to access its
        The integral vision of Sri Aurobindo and the  presence by working on oneself. Indeed,
        Mother provides a unique way to approach  an integral initiative needs to be taken by
        this subject of dying which, while retaining  the votaries of the new school of health and
        the essence of the Tibetan experience, is more  psychology to chalk out a new technology
        dynamically suited for the modern age.   of a meaningful life that culminates in a
                                                 meaningful departure.
        Throughout the ages, spiritual pursuance in
        the Indian tradition led a path beyond the ego  The Mother describes, “Beyond all the emotions,
        to the Void or Brahman. This was an enriching   in the silent and tranquil depths of our being,
        experience but material life remained separate   there is a light shining constantly, the light of
        from spirituality. Sri Aurobindo preferred a  the psychic consciousness. Go in search of this
        replacement of the ego with a Beyond-ego   light, concentrate on it; it is within you. With a
        integrating principle which would act as a  persevering will you are sure to find it and as
        link between material life and spirituality. The   soon as you enter into it, you awake to the sense
        outer strands of the being could be integrated   of immortality. You have always lived, you will

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