Page 29 - NAMAH-Jul-2018
P. 29
Namah Evolution Next XVI — the Age of Truth
way to something that seems to be chaotic. repeating the patterns of the past, albeit with
This is partly because we have entered the better buildings and heftier fees! They are
age of Individualism wherein human beings simply becoming information hubs rather
are becoming more and more conscious of than laboratories of human evolution which
the immense complexity of their nature and is what a school must be.
know not how to reconcile the diverse and
jarring elements within. On the other hand, What we do not realise is that many institutions
we see a flooding of the mind and senses based on the old world understanding of life
with loads and loads of information that they will soon become dated. To revive and pump
cannot assimilate. We shall take up the issue all our energies into them is to disrespect the
of individuality later. For the moment it is fast-emerging future. Thus for example, the
important to understand how to deal with whole idea of memorizing lessons will soon
the information overload to which mankind is become outdated. Every possible piece of
being subjected. As a silver lining it is doing information is now readily available at the
one good thing and that is to expand the click of a button. To still insist on making
mental world of man. But on the other hand, it students memorize lessons by rote is to cut
is taking away that great capacity of reflection them off from the present flow of life. What is
that makes us what we are. We are not just needed now is to help the student understand
thinking machines but conscious beings. the intrinsic sense of that information. It is to
That is the big difference between Artificial be taken to the next level. By understanding
Intelligence and Human Intelligence. Artificial we mean not only a grasp of what a piece of
Intelligence works by feeding of information information means but the deeper import
which it then learns to sift and use. But man contained within it. Information is often like
can reflect, go deep within the information a sign language that is conveying something
received and discover something completely much deeper to us than its superficial sense.
new that was held within. Through reflection But to grasp the inner sense we have to
and contemplation, man can recreate himself understand and tune in to the consciousness
and his world. He can completely undo past that stands behind all phenomena.
habits of thought and feelings and reactions
and substitute them with completely new Memory can be left for other purposes rather
ways of being and doing. Unfortunately than holding bits of information about
the explosion of information is taking away physical subjects. In fact memory itself is
this faculty of reflection and turning human a vast subject that is related closely to our
intelligence into artificial intelligence. There states of consciousness rather than simply
is a need to reverse this. The question is how? mechanically memorizing things. All this
and much more await our discovery as the
The damage starts from the institution called horizons of the old world recede and new
the school, where what we are engaged in stars come into sight and which are going to
doing is a systematic undoing of man and completely change the way we understand
turning him into a production machine that everything.
can give good output and earn money. We
are building more schools but they are still Information is after all merely raw data