Page 26 - NAMAH-Jul-2018
P. 26
Namah Vol. 26, Issue 2, 15th July 2018
and confusion, even cynicism and despair. or ‘Truth’. There is in times such as these
It is only when the shift is complete and the an explosion of scientific knowledge which
new order fully established that the blinding has become the new priest replacing the old
storm created by the rapid pace of the change one, religion. Thus for example, since it is
subsides and there is a clearing and in that the Age of Truth, human authority based on
one can see the New Light dawning upon experience and age is over. But what Truth
the horizons of our inner mind. is and how it is to be discovered is still not
known to us. We tend to therefore believe in
Such is the situation now. At least for nearly whatever seems to come through the filter of
half a century we have been witnessing a science in an almost superstitious way. We
massive shift preceded by the two great may say that there is nothing superstitious
wars and revolutions that led to the breaking about it since scientific knowledge is gathered
down of the old world-order. The godheads through experiments. But that is precisely
worshiped earlier were traditions and how superstitions were developed in olden
custom, society and religion. But now the times through empirical observations, which
times are changing. The new deities that have is the first step towards science. All that we
awakened within the human heart and the have added now is that these observations
collective psyche are Truth, Freedom and must be replicable and statistically verifiable
Unity. Behind them all waits Love and Delight for a thing to be true. But statistics are often
to emerge when the ground has been created the handmaiden of information received
and the human heart purified with the light through observation. What we miss out is that
of Truth. A custom or tradition must therefore for every bit of information that we gather
first prove its truth before being accepted we miss out much more that remains hidden
freely by the individual who will be free to below the surface because we do not yet have
accept or to reject. Religion must validate its instruments to register it. Therein lies the rub.
findings and society must shed its narrow
formulas, determined by family and clans This is the root cause of confusion. The old
into the sense of national and world-unity. currency of time is being rapidly discredited
The children of today and even more so whereas the new is not yet in place. There is a
tomorrow will be driven by this Zeitgeist until tendency towards a free and blind acceptance
the new order establishes itself. Naturally of whatever presents itself in a scientific garb
they or rather the parents and teachers who which is currently in fashion or else uses the
still base themselves on the old schools of instrument of logic to convince us. But reason
thought are bound to experience difficulties itself is limited by the data it can receive
of transition. through the senses and Truth is much more
than data or information. It is important to
The problems of transition distinguish between information and Truth. It
is also important to recognise the limitations
It is here that one must tread with caution of reason as an instrument of knowledge. The
since the human mind tends to dress and Age of Truth can dawn fully only when we
worship the new deities in the old ways. Let us have passed beyond reason into the light of
take one of these deities such as ‘Knowledge’ an intuitive perception. This is so because