Page 28 - NAMAH-Jul-2018
P. 28

Namah                                     Vol. 26, Issue 2, 15th July 2018

        and speech and feelings and impulses.    they also need is a direction for their search,
                                                 otherwise they may end up destroying the
        Therefore a minimum psychological under-  past but not have the right understanding
        standing of who we are and why we do what  of how to construct a new future based on a
        we do, in short a basic knowledge of human  more complete and truer understanding of
        psychology, is essential for all children. Of  life. For all these godheads, including Truth
        course, the means for imparting this knowledge  and Freedom and Unity, also evolve as man
        will differ for different age-groups. But it should  evolves. We often put our conceptions into
        be there as a fundamental subject of study,  these emerging godheads. And therein lies
        not through books and theories, but through  the danger. If we slowly educate and prepare
        observation, discussion and reflection.   children to progressively understand what
                                                 true freedom is, what truth is, what indeed is
        This should include among other things the  unity and love, then they will be equipped to
        motives for our actions, the ways to strengthen  deal with these energies when they suddenly
        our will, to develop the capacity of reason, to  invade their heart space. They will be strong
        learn to differentiate between the true emotion  and capable to contain the onrush of these
        of love which is strong and healthy as against  new forces that have entered the world arena
        sentimentality which opens the doors to all  and are awakening human beings to their
        kinds of weaknesses and errors and even  power-play. Instead we are busy teaching
        aberrant behaviour. It also means teaching  them how to memorise lessons and take the
        and training the children from a very young  tests and get degrees and earn money!
        age to control and master their impulses.
        This is necessary even to truly practise reason  Information explosion and the Age of Truth
        and lead a reasonable life. Otherwise our
        faculty of reason is often used to justify our  Among these forces the most important
        weaknesses and other harmful tendencies.  power that is working today is Truth. We can
        We are not going here into the details for  almost say that this is an age of Truth and
        actually putting it into practice (this can be  nothing can remain hidden for long or kept
        taken up later) but the principle and the  into cold wraps sealed from public eye. It is
        fundamentals should be clear. Instead of  not only a question of the people around you,
        doing this, the main faculties we focus on are  our own internal mirrors have become active
        primarily memory and as in some New Age  compelling human beings to be mentally
        schools, the sensory apparatus. A lot needs to  honest and accept and acknowledge their
        be done for the children embodying the new  thoughts and feelings. All this has created
        ideas of Truth and Freedom and Unity. If not  a momentary chaos, momentary when we
        well equipped, they may be misled under the  look at things through large spaces of Time.
        growing stress of these very godheads by
        distorting and disfiguring them and deviating  Mankind is becoming conscious of a vast and
        them from their true purposes.  The impulse  complex subjective self within and behind
        for Truth will lead them to challenge each  its neat outer existence. That is why the old
        and every known conception so far and  social formulas that tied life into well-groomed
        it is natural that it should be so. But what  patterns of behaviour are soon going to give

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