Page 8 - NAMAH-Jul-2018
P. 8


        Anxiety in ontological terms

        The term ‘anxiety’ and its concept seems to  There is however one thing common to all
        be no less anxiety-provoking than the clinical  types of anxiety, which is that the phenomenon
        states we associate with anxiety. We are still  strikes at the central core of the subject’s self-
        undecided if we should consider anxiety in  esteem and his sense of value as the self. In
        a dimensional or categorical perspective for  ontological terms, anxiety is a threat to Dasein
        the truth may be somewhere in between.   — the existentialist’s term for the distinctive
                                                 character of human existence.Though it is
        Though it is doubtful if there are actually  translated from German to English by the
        natural categories of anxiety, it is necessary to  term ‘existence’, Dasein signifies something
        clinically differentiate the anxiety underlying  more. It has two components: sein (being)
        a phobic state or panic disorder from a type  and da (there), indicating that the subject has
        of anxiety often perceived at the beginning  a ‘there’ in the sense that he can know he is
        of a psychosis when a subject can literally  there and can take a standpoint that he is
        experience the threat of dissolution of the  there. The ‘there’ refers to one’s existence
        self. In fact, the notion that anxiety might  in time and space. Thus one can be aware
        be the nuclear-driving force behind all  of one’s being which distinguishes the
        psychopathology that gives credence to the  human being from other beings. That is why
        dimensional view can become difficult to  existentialists consider the human being as
        sustain with advances in the psychobiology  not only ‘being-in-itself’ but also as ’being-
        of different psychiatric disorders (1).  for-itself’(3).

        Perhaps the term ‘anxiety’ is used too loosely  This brings us to the existential significance of
        in the clinical setting. Freud, Binswanger,  the otherwise everyday term — ‘the human
        Goldstein and Kierkegaard used the German  being.’ Used as a participle, a verb form,
        term Angst, which has no exact equivalence  ‘being’ implies a process of being something.
        in English and at most is the first cousin  When used as a general noun in English,
        to anguish. Thus the English term anxiety  the term ‘being’ is used to denote a static
        represents a watered-down affect (a term  substance; whereas used as a particular
        used in psychology for an intense and short  noun, such as ‘a being’, it refers to a particular
        emotional state with motor and visceral  entity. However, as a general noun, ‘being’
        changes) that carries literary value but not  can be interpreted as potentia, the source
        the depth of the pervasive and devastating  of potentiality, signifying the process of
        qualities of the anxiety states we meet in  becoming —  a projection of potentia in action.
        clinical practice (2).                   A projection always is towards the future

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