Page 9 - NAMAH-Jul-2018
P. 9
Namah Editorial
and thus the significant tense for the human and which can generate anxiety. It is a pity
being is the future (4). that at times this freedom is surrendered to
dogmas and stereotypes just to get rid of
The concept of Dasein, coupled with the unbearable anxiety (5). The human being can
concept of the human being in potentia for then no longer be in the process of potentia in
the future, have important significance in action — the poise of becoming. At this point,
our understanding of anxiety: anxiety can succumb to a life of mediocre
values or can lapse into a state of dejection
a. Basically, anxiety can be construed to be a and depression.
threat to Dasein, the sense of one’s human
existence. A consciousness perspective
b. The nature of threat is linked to thwarting
of one’s potentia in action, stalling the being In the consciousness perspective, the human
in the process of becoming, compromising being itself is an ephemeral being in the
one’s sense of freedom to act out one’s space-time matrix and is a projection of the
future. This is because the human being Unborn Spirit, the deathless Etman, the Real
knows that whatever be one’s sense Person, the Being in the poise of eternity
of freedom and whatever be one’s achieve- (timelessness) and infinity (spacelessness).
ments, the future also holds the eventuality The rest of existence is its becoming. In this
of death, of ceasing to be a phenomenon. framework, the existentialist’s anxiety is
In this existential matrix, anxiety becomes acknowledged in the surface personality. But
an imminent threat of ceasing to exist. there is also a deep spiritual anxiety if one’s
outer life is cut off from one’s true source,
In this sense, the threat to Dasein can be from the Unborn Self.
construed as a basic dimensional aspect
of anxiety regardless of its categorical The Unborn Self projects the consciousness
presentations as different clinical states. The of the human being in the future through
variability of presentation depends on other recurrent lives. Death ceases to be the final
predispositions (genetic, biological, socio- act, it is only an opportunity to renew an
cultural, personality factors) for a phobic otherwise worn-out vehicle of bodily life.
neurotic would experience anxiety in nuances Anxiety, if it exists, is an indication to exceed
different from a schizophrenic. Nevertheless oneself, to be ready for an even more fruitful
the basic threat to Dasein persists, revealing future life, and should be used as a stepping-
inner conflicts in consonance with the clinical stone for an endless progress. The Dasein of
presentation. the existentialists can be extended to the Being
whose projections act as transcripts in the
Subjects who are otherwise not suffering from Akashic records of the cosmic consciousness
psychosis but have a great deal of anxiety to be used as templates for future lives.
often surrender freedom for alleviation of
their suffering. Freedom to progress, freedom The best requisite to counter existential
to work out one’s potential, freedom to pursue anxiety would be not to fear death. In fact,
an adventure in the unknown vistas of life when the Mother declared that, “Finally it is