Page 12 - NAMAH-Jul-2018
P. 12

Namah                                     Vol. 26, Issue 2, 15th July 2018

        even use a sixth sense to intuit what others  reason for joining such a programme is that
        are feeling. This capacity uses both the mind  a heart that is closed to the influence of Love
        and the heart, plus something subtler. For  and Grace can become open to negative
        decades now, we know that people with higher  influences. The Adverse Forces are waiting
        emotional intelligence are more successful  to seat themselves in such a body.
        at work and with relationships, than people
        with sharp minds. Emotional Quotient, EQ,  It is not easy to introspect on our mistakes and
        is the new IQ.                           it is harder still to share with others, because the
                                                 ego feels threatened. The aim of the programme
        This training programme is a series of classes  is to give the ego a hard time. So, if we feel
        tailored separately for three categories of  uncomfortable it means we are on the right
        people — children, young adults and adults.  track. With time, it will become easier, perhaps
        For this to be meaningful, all members of a  even laughable. We can then be sure we are
        group, such as students in a class, or adults  making progress. Often multiple parties need
        working together, are encouraged to join  to change, so if we cannot accept to change
        the same class. There will be educational  ourselves, we cannot demand it of others either.
        material, introspective exercises and interactive  Once we agree on this together, diving into such
        sessions where real issues and case-studies  a programme will be beneficial and enjoyable
        will be analysed. The programme has a packed  too.
        agenda. It attempts to increase compassion,
        dissolve egos and unite people. It will also  Any group of people can profit from such
        address the problem of childhood wounds  a programme. A small group could be
        and wounding of children. If it can heal a  members of a family living in the same
        person and make a healer of the person, it  house. A big group could be members of an
        will have achieved its goal.             international community such as Auroville,
                                                 ashrams, collective farms and kibbutzim. All
        Who can join the programme               educational institutes should have such a
                                                 programme. Others who will profit are nurses,
        Dissolving one’s ego can take multiple lifetimes.  prisoners, policemen, lawyers, etc. White-
        Feeling the unity that comes from knowing  collar employees, store workers, factory
        others as ourselves is also a project for many  or farmhands can also come together, for
        lifetimes. Becoming a channel of divine Love  say an hour every week, to learn emotional
        that heals and unites is also a daunting task  intelligence. Independent counsellors or
        because all these are working against the grain  organisations that specialise in such a training
        of our biological machinery. But remaining  can facilitate the programme and also train
        attached to the selfish gene is against the  facilitators. They can come to the workplace
        grain of our divine nature too. Are we in a  during working hours to make it easy for the
        dilemma then? The answer is ‘No’. We have  workers to attend.
        long passed that evolutionary milestone of
        worrying about physical survival. If anyone  An appeal
        feels threatened in that respect, they should
        seek out individual help. The more urgent  For the programme to be meaningful, I would

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