Page 40 - NAMAH-Oct-2018
P. 40
Namah Vol. 26, Issue 3, 15th October 2018
holds all our emotions, whether complementary be morally condemned. One positive way
or contradictory. It is the repository of all would be not to analyse love but to move
our passions, desires, longings, moods and forward, sublimating the passion of love
emotional reactions. If it holds the passion of with a new poise of consciousness, a higher
love, it also holds the anguish of grief, as well paradigm of love.
as the impulse to retaliate if the desires are
not satiated. Truly, Madan or Cupid, the vital First, a subject with a broken love affair can be
godhead of love narrates his ambit of qualities: encouraged to keep that love if it was genuine
even for a moment in some melodious corner
“I am that Madan who informs the stars of consciousness. Many subjects want to
With lustre and on life’s wide canvas fill know how they can forget the relation that
Pictures of light and shade, of joys and tears, was broken but truly nothing is forgotten.
Make ordinary moments wonderful In one of Tagore’s famous nostalgic poems,
And common speech a charm…… a separated couple meets for a short time
‘But fiercer shafts I can, wild storms blown down during a train journey when one wonders if
Shaking fixed minds and melting marble natures, all were forgotten. The other answered that
Tears and dumb bitterness and pain unpitied, all the stars of the night still twinkled in the
Racked thirsting jealousy and kind hearts made depths of daylight.
And in undisciplined huge souls I sow In fact, this recommendation of not forgetting
Dire vengeance and impossible cruelties….(1)” a past love forcefully or having a bout of grief
or an impulse of revenge but keeping it as a
Thus in terms of consciousness, if love is sweet memory in one part of consciousness
solely based on our passionate upsurges, helps the subject to move forward in life on
it can also lead to a depression that would a more positive note.
be unpitied or an aggression that would
be disruptive. Yet one cannot stop loving, Second, one can be exposed to the full range
one cannot ignore one’s passions, one of what The Mother called the ‘rungs of love’.
cannot stop that feeling of oneness in One has to learn to love and shift from the
love. In fact love in its passionate poise zone of petty desires, vital upsurges, or
is so compelling that even a section of intellectual stances to a zone of love where
schizophrenic subjects continue to love, love exists for the joy of love and for nothing
albeit in fantasy and as their ideas are else, just like a flower blooms for the mere
delusional, the illogicality of their love joy of blooming. As The Mother explains:
cannot be challenged and cannot be
obliterated completely even with the best “The Rungs of Love
of medication! At first one loves only when one is loved.
Next, one loves spontaneously, but one wants
The way forward to be loved in return.
Then one loves even if one is not loved, but one
Thus dealing with broken love is a sort of still wants one’s love to be accepted.
dilemma in counselling for love per se cannot And finally, one loves purely and simply, without