Page 41 - NAMAH-Oct-2018
P. 41
Namah Notes on counselling
any other need or joy than that of loving(2).” This frail vessel thou emptiest again and
again, and fillest it ever with fresh life. 4).”
Third, there are a few intellectual subjects who
after a separation in love opt for a different type Fifth, it is a spiritual fact that friendships
of love — a love for humanity or of some ideal. are sanctioned and broken by the Divine.
But it is difficult to love something impersonal Sri Aurobindo explains that this is necessary
for love demands a personal bond. Teilhard as there is a certain gap in life that cannot be
de Chardin explains that there is a difference fulfilled by human relations but only by the
between universal love (that is spiritual) and Divine presence. “The inner loneliness can
an altruistic love for the collectivity; otherwise only be cured by the inner experience of union
we cannot explain the massive amount of with the Divine; no human association can fill
repulsion and hatred surrounding us. He the void (5).”
points out that, “...human collectivities are
essentially unlovable as one cannot surrender Seen in this context, severance of a relationship
to an anonymous number.“ may actually free one from the attachment
that hampers a progress in consciousness.
“But if the universe ahead of us assumes a face At a certain point of spiritual progress, one
and a heart, and so to speak personifies itself, has to be ready to sacrifice even one’s most
then in the atmosphere created by this focus the beloved friend. Rumi sings:
elemental attraction will immediately blossom. “The moment you are drunk on yourself, the
Then, no doubt, under the heightened pressure friend abandons you. …
of an infolding world, the formidable energies Be passionate for the friend’s tyranny, not his
of attraction, still dormant between human tenderness…..’(6)
molecules, will burst forth (3).” ‘Wherever you find a lover on a bed of pain —
You find the Beloved right by his bedside…
Fourth, in consonance with de Chardin’s (7)”
viewpoint, there are actually the fortunate
few who love God in a personal poise for the Thus instead of ruminating on a love that has
Personal and the Impersonal are two poises been disrupted, the subject should seek to
of the same Reality. One loves the Christ or understand the meaning of the severance and
the Krishna within and that love may be all- the significance it has on the road forward.
Sixth and finally, the quintessence of true
The sceptic might frown at this love that love springs from the soul-entity — the
soars beyond the human element, but it is Psychic Being which is a representative
actually a fact that the Divine alone can of the Atman in the human being. The
love. Humanity persists with its falsehoods Psychic being is a delegate of the Divine
and limitations and yet God pours constantly and does not arise from Inconscience and
the Divine Grace and Compassion. As Tagore as such it does not carry the vestiges of
sang: falsehood, suffering and ignorance. It
“Thou hast made me endless, such is thy alone is thus capable of pure love. The
pleasure. Psychic Being initially imparts a sense