Page 25 - NAMAH-Apr-2019
P. 25
Namah Empowerment of the heart...
step you take to grow together and see how to be. Allow the heart to speak Truth.
you will feel when all of you is lifted as indeed
will be your heart. Much that burdens the Allow yourself to be great, truly great, far
heart occurred over a long period of time and greater than you can even imagine. And allow
possibly not just in one lifetime and often it others to be great with you and around you.
is that lingering pain that keeps us behind Be aware of fences, they may have or had
fences, and makes us feel kept in. In becoming their purpose once but there are none in the
aware, we seed something greater to grow universe which is infinite as is the heart. The
in the garden of One Heart. proverbial heart of gold is not only found
in the odd human being, it is a treasure in
In some alignments in my practice, heart each and every one of us. It is a spark ready
openings showed themselves as old crusts or to ignite ourselves and others, a true flame,
scabs falling off, or even as a volcano erupting. a golden ball of bright light. In freeing the
The soul has a tendency to speak in images. heart of beliefs it has outgrown, we see the
world from the soul’s point of view, one of
In another alignment the soul as a golden ball love, unconditionally, infinitely. For if the
of flaming light was catapulted over the towers goal is an open heart the way can only be
and turrets of what looked like a stronghold love and loving in every way.
of an ancient castle into the open field and for
others locks break and waters flow, all images References
helpful to experience a sense of liberation and
truth to be felt. 1. Sri Aurobindo. Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo,
Volume 2. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Allow emotional freedom, fall in love with Trust; 2009, p.649.
yourself as you are, have been, will be, though
not imaginable to you as yet, as well as all that 2. McCraty R. The Energetic Heart: Bioelectro
is and was. Know that you have done nothing magnetic communication within and between
‘wrong’, because all that ever happened in your people’in Rosch PJ, Markov MS (eds).
life was needed for you to become who you Bioelectromagnetic Medicine. New York: Marcel
are meant to be, and in that, offering precious Dekker; 2004, pp. 541-602.
and important moments of expansion in your
consciousness. Here is the true passion to live 3. Sri Aurobindo. CWSA, Volume 23. Pondicherry:
our life in fulfilment and realisation of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust; 1999, pp. 9-19,
light each and every one of us is and came 63-4, 66-67, 71.
Annika Maxwell is a yoga teacher, bilingual language teacher and lecturer, an energy intuitive, a therapist for
spiritual spine alignment and healer living in Wiltshire, England.