Page 20 - NAMAH-Jul-2019
P. 20
Namah Vol. 27, Issue 2, 15th July 2019
of our nature, on this passage to self-growth equally essential in the Plan so the process
and mastery. There is no ill-will in the body will always unfold simultaneously.
so it will always do its best to collaborate.
Indeed, much to my surprise, I found that, Nature can reflect soul, the two states become
as soon as it accepted its dharma, it became one and indivisible. The work passes through
my teacher! The work centres on the vehicle liberation, the aim of traditional practices,
of consciousness and the divine seal comes but does not stop there. Even the context and
through our Psychic Being . The aim is to implications of our liberation are dissimilar.
divinise our nature; there are no shortcuts It is not liberation from our nature but rather
and no parts of our nature can be overlooked. liberation in conjunction with our nature that
has to be reached. That is because the final
Everything must be included. Because of destination is totally unique. It aims at the
this, our development takes a more spherical transformation of our entire being, which
course, not linear as experienced on the includes the vagaries of our lower nature. The
traditional path. For this work, we need to be final link in the chain is the body itself. It is
grounded yet detached at the same time. We the body that makes transformation complete.
station ourselves in the true consciousness. A
sincere attitude will eventually yield a well- So if we are to get there, we have to guard
being independent of all circumstances, a dire against the tendency of relegating the body to
necessity in modern-day living. However the background. The body needs our attention.
our whole nature is being addressed and Our health and well-being depend on it. The
the resistance it throws up often retards our difficulties that the body so often brings do
relationship with the soul. make it tempting to put its troubles to one side
in our daily life. That is my experience, at least.
Because of this, progress may appear to be But we have to embrace the darkness that
very tardy at times and we have to pass though the physical consciousness brings and go
many phases of darkness and light. As there through it. And go through it we shall, if we
is ego, duality will persist. The obscurity of the persist. At the end we come back always to
physical may confound us time and again, the source because involved in all Matter is a
so we often have to pause to let it catch shining seed of Truth and we have to identify
up. However, all the time it is teaching us with that rather than the illusion that appears
something. It reminds us incessantly of our before our eyes. The trouble is, the illusion
ultimate aim. We are not only fixing ourselves seems so immoveable and fixed; the Reality
solely upon soul-realisation but also upon the is so masked by form.
mastery of mind, life and body. It is not really
just a matter of personal salvation because this Communication
dominion over one’s nature has a ‘cascade
effect’ on the world around. Both targets are We need to build a relationship with this
1 The Divine Person and our soul in evolution. It is central to our transformation, accompanying
us through our various lifetimes and its growth and emergence marks the level of spiritual
evolution that we have reached.