Page 29 - NAMAH-Jul-2019
P. 29
Namah Pañcakarma therapies — a detoxifying and rejuvenating...
Pañcakarma includes five major eradication season.
procedures like vamana (emesis), virecana
(purgation), nasya (medicines through Vamana (emesis)
nasal route), vasti (medicines through anal
route) and raktamokssana (blood removal). This is the main treatment to maintain balance
snehana (oral consumption of processed of kaphadossa and prevent diseases originating
fats and external application) and svedana from aamaassaya. Virecana (purgation) takes
(fomentation) are essential prerequisites care of pittadossa and aadho-aamaassaya, while
before eradication of dossa (11). vaatadossa, the leader of all other doshas, is
controlled by vasti therapy (17). Vasti forms
AAyurveda believes that digestive disturbance the main treatment for diseases originating
(Agni-vikrrti) is the cause of almost all diseases in pakvassaya. Thus vamana and virecana are
(12). According to various phases of digestion, indicated for purification of body tissues
the origin of pathogenesis can be related to in skin diseases, gastro-duodenal disorders,
aamaassaya (stomach), adho-amassaya (part of small migraine, cervical problems, respiratory
intestine) and pakvaassaya (large intestine) (13). problems, constipation, etc. (18). Vasti is mainly
Incidentally, aamaassaya is the main seat of used in digestive (colitis, constipation,
kaphadossa, Adho-amassaya of pittadossa and distension, etc.), musculoskeletal (osteoarthritis,
pakvaassaya is the main place of vaatadossa (14). rheumatoid arthritis, spasticity, wasting,
etc.) and neurological (spinal injuries, brain
Planetary movements, especially of the sun, related pathologies, etc.) diseases (19). Vasti is
moon and earth, control atmospheric changes a unique treatment in AAyurveda aimed at the
on earth (15). Climatic changes caused by use of rich neurological and venous plexuses
them influence the bodies of living organisms in the large intestine. Usage of a variety of
and consequently affect the harmony of dossas medicines makes vasti highly effective in
(16). Dossas accumulate naturally according to numerous conditions ranging from weight-
seasonal changes, leading to their imbalance reduction or gain and oedema to treatment
in the body. They can be pathogenetic if of eye ailments.
not controlled in time. AAyurveda guides
ahaara-vihaara (dietary regimen and routine) Nasya therapy
to combat such imbalances. But if vitiated
the dossas are more resistant and need to be It aims at ailments pertaining to the region
removed from the body through seasonal of the body above the clavicle bones. The
pañcakarma. Thus pañcakarma is carried out nostrils provide an easy access for medicines
in healthy individuals for maintaining health to reach parts of the head region, including
according to the specific season. the sinuses, sensory organs and parts of the
brain. Medicines (oil or ghee based decoctions,
Kaphadossa accumulates in winter and vitiates medicinal juices, medicinal powders or fumes)
in spring, Pitta accumulates during the rainy are given in the nostrils of patients in different
season and vitiates around October (SSarada dosages according to the needs of the case.
RRtu) and vaata accumulates during summer Thus nasya is an effective therapy in ENT
and vitiates during the first part of the rainy diseases and problems in the eyes, teeth and