Page 25 - NAMAH-Jul-2019
P. 25
Namah Cancer: a call to bring forth the Psychic
like Bertrand Russell, Abraham Maslow and engage with it in some way. So, for a few
some mystical texts regarding stillness of the months as I relaxed and let things simmer,
being; along with a deep impression of Jiddu something came up. There was a possibility
Krishnamurti’s works. And that was what I of involving myself with college students if
had decided to devote my time to from now I worked with an organisation that worked
on: alternative/holistic education, the tip of on Life-Education itself.
an iceberg of which I had just become aware.
So I got my PhD Degree and it still rests inside I went for the interview and felt that it was the
my closet to this day. place for me to be. It would offer evolution
for myself as it was really challenging!
Coming back to India Thus I joined Advait Life Education in 2009
and have never felt like dissociating myself
There was a deep urge to come back to India, from it even to this day. Initially I worked
which even the overseas lures and attractions on site, in college classrooms with students,
could not mellow down. My heart was yearning invoking them to live an intelligent life, full
for some connect and my mind looking for of awareness and attention to themselves and
challenges to grow and progress. At that time stuff around. At the moment I have offered
I knew that I was attracted to the dirt and dust myself for voluntary work that I can do from
of India, the challenges of India with which my home itself.
I could connect and then put my hands into.
I think it felt as if I had found my calling, as Marriage and other beginnings
if I had found my vision for life! The field of
holistic education enchanted me and made In 2010, I met my future husband, my partner
so much of sense. I was really passionate Lokesh. We just met online and connected
about it. deeply through our inner silences that we
both had touched upon in our times of
After travelling to quite a few of the studying outside of India. He had done
Krishnamurti Foundation schools and seeing his PhD in Data Analysis from University of
how they worked, I was almost settling on Freiburg in Germany, and now was back in
working in a small school in Bangalore, run India with his parents. It did not take me
by alumni of the Krishnamurti schools. It long to realise that we were both going to be
gave me a very intimate feeling to be there, together in this journey ahead, for whatever it
so I chose that. entailed. We revealed the news to our parents
after a few months of courtship and then got
When I came back home to my parents place married in Delhi in mid-2010.
near Delhi, and discussed this opportunity, it
came about that with such a meagre stipend I did not know that marriage brings with
I would be barely able to survive in another itself bonus gifts for the wife. There were new
city. Now, I would have fought to be there no connections in the families, new expectations
matter what! But I didn’t, I used my volition and new people to live with. For the first year
again. I said to myself, if I can find holistic I was able to maintain the so-called free state
education there, I can find it here as well and that I was living in prior to getting married.