Page 24 - NAMAH-Jul-2019
P. 24
Namah Vol. 27, Issue 2, 15th July 2019
higher, something which must be my only could not continue to fool myself any more.
purpose in this human life. What must I do? The nice therapist, who is
now a good friend, relaxed me into a meditative
PhD in Neuro-Immunology state, and then posed four questions from a book
titled The Work by Byron Katie, which is based
In the year 2005 I began my PhD at the on self-enquiry. After the session, the burden
University of Zurich, in collaboration with the was shed off my shoulders. I was free to go
University Hospital. By 2009, I had written ahead for what I really wanted to do. It was
my thesis but it was a bit difficult to wind it my life and I was not obliged to make it into
up as it all appeared so meaningless. I had anything for anyone else.
been working with patients’ blood samples
from the hospital and towards the end of my I still remember the brightness of the day,
thesis I felt as if I was cheating those patients. I as I headed on my path after that session.
had done almost nothing that could be of help Something in me had been liberated, had
to them, and had just played around with become free. Maybe this was the first time
their blood and cerebrospinal fluid samples. I was learning to say ‘No’ to anything that
Something in me told me strongly that bound me. Maybe!
objective science alone could not result in a
cure for any illness. What about the emotions, As I planned my itinerary to visit places offering
what about the day-to-day life of the patient? alternative and holistic education and letting
What was happening there? I was studying go of the PhD degree, I decided to at least
auto-immune diseases and it was well known inform my father in India before I set out to
that those are most common in females. Why? do all of this. My father was not very happy
Is it because women let themselves, their about the decision and although I knew it, yet
inner sanctuaries, be violated in order to serve being in such a catch-22 situation, I was telling
without being yet guided by the Psychic? I myself, “If I am no one, if I am really free, then
had no proof but I had a feeling. I am under no obligation even to oblige my own
self.” So, I just put my foot down and got the
So, with that feeling, by the end of writing my Degree. I think that was the first time ever in
thesis, I felt a certain disillusionment about my conscious knowing, that I got to know of
science itself. But the burden of finishing the this thing called volition or will. I can clearly
PhD and getting the degree was lifted off my remember that I exercised my will there as I
shoulders. It was an if something in me was had been called to do. After that point, it was
asking me to get rid of this burden and move not a burden to finish my PhD viva and thesis
on to newer horizons. I felt guided to consult any more. I knew that I could do my best, and
a hypnotherapist who I believed might help then move onto the new vision I had gained
me understand my subconscious. I booked an through my readings of alternative and
appointment with him and landed up in his holistic education philosophies. At that time, I
studio one fine bright morning. I told him my had not even heard of Sri Aurobindo and the
issue, that I was feeling obliged to finish my Mother’s Integral Education. Maybe because
PhD and get the degree for my Dad, and as I was not yet ready for the treasure still to be
things were getting revealed to me, I just revealed. I had been enchanted by thinkers