Page 25 - NAMAH-Oct-2019
P. 25

Namah                                Neutrally positive positively neutral

        ego ruling? Yet, this is the call to reach the  a quiet, calm and silent mind, and as is the
        Goal… and in the journey, the very surrender  Biblical exhortation, “Be still and know that
        becomes thus the Goal too, holding the key,   I am God” (13)?
        holding one to the “central will”.
                                                 That is, as much can the words describe, what
        A Positive without any negative          do we ascribe to the Divine, the Opposite-less
                                                 Positivity and Neutrality, Its non-judgmental
        But as the flash stated that the nucleus is akin  nature?
        to the Centre, and though cannot explain
        the experienced truth in it, it is followed by  Present themselves these words, tumble
        those queries which, too, couldn’t ignore or  in sequence, arranging and rearranging
        challenge, though interestingly, they in no  themselves, joyously and yet tentatively:
        way challenged the flash! Simply prompted  The Nucleus, the Centre, akin to the combination
        and prompts an exploration.              of proton and neutron (with electrons being our
                                                 varied thoughts, emotions, feelings, words, actions,
        The Divine, the Absolute, has no duality. So and  varying according to the orbit, the layer and level
        but if it is likened to the positively charged nucleus,  of consciousness), could be hailed as ‘Neutrally
        it is bound to have a negative counterpart. But  Positive, Positively Neutral’.
        the Divine is bound to nothing, the relative not
        Its ‘relative’.                          The Mother soothes that Truth is found in
                                                 diversity and not in uniformity. “The truth
        Anything positive is deemed as the attribute of  is neither in separation nor in uniformity. The
        the Divine, positivity accessed and embodied   truth is in unity manifesting through diversity
        divinity redeemed, the Realisation calling for   (14).”
        the moment-to-moment living of the Divine’s
        attributes, solely identifying with and finding  The Nucleus is neutral and is Positive without
        one’s identity in the Divine through absolute  a negative. This cannot be denied. So is
        surrender.                               it with the atom — its nucleus formed of
                                                 neutral neutron and positive proton! As to
        “If man surrenders totally to the Divine, he  whether these words that describe the Centre,
        identifies himself with the Divine (12).”   ‘Neutrally Positive, Positively Neutral’, are
                                                 only intellectual reflection and reception or
        So, ‘logically’ and essentially, all that is negative  intuitive, one cannot definitely vouch and as
        is undivine. But nothing exists which is  counsels Sri Aurobindo, that can be discerned
        not the Divine — could be the distorted,  only when the Light is invoked and sheds
        misinterpreted, ignorant and misrepresented  Itself on it.
        expression of the Divine, as and through the
        Inconscient. Then, this Centre — our Nucleus,   “In the first place we have seen that intellectual
        the Positive without any polar counterpart  thought is in itself inadequate and is not the
        — how do we describe It, which calls to  highest thinking; the highest is that which
        equanimity, and call the Mother and Sri  comes through the intuitive mind and from
        Aurobindo to be ever “vigilant”, having  the supramental faculty. So long as we are

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