Page 26 - NAMAH-Oct-2019
P. 26
Namah Vol. 27, Issue 3, 15th October 2019
dominated by the intellectual habit and by the only by the Grace of the “central will”.
lower workings, the intuitive mind can only send
its messages to us subconsciously and subject to “Keep faith in your spiritual destiny, draw back
a distortion more or less entire before it reaches from error and open more the psychic being to
the conscious mind; or if it works consciously, the direct guidance of the Mother’s light and
then only with an inadequate rarity and a great power. If the central will is sincere, each recognition
imperfection in its functioning. In order to of a mistake can become a stepping-stone to a
strengthen the higher knowledge-faculty in us truer movement and a higher progress (16).”
we have to effect the same separation between
the intuitive and intellectual elements of our “Consecration is the consummation, when the
thought as we have already effected between Light has illuminated all the parts of your being,
the understanding and the sense-mind; and this with a central will acting on the feelings, impulses,
is no easy task, for not only do our intuitions thoughts, emotions, activities, directing them always
come to us incrusted in the intellectual action, towards the Divine and when you move no more
but there are a great number of mental workings from darkness to light or from falsehood to
which masquerade and ape the appearances of truth or from misery to happiness but from
the higher faculty. The remedy is to train first light to more light, from truth to greater truth,
the intellect to recognise the true intuition, to from happiness to increasing happiness (17).”
distinguish it from the false and then to accustom
it, when it arrives at an intellectual perception “It is in a sincere consecration to the Divine that we
or conclusion, to attach no final value to it, but can find relief from our too human sufferings (18).”
rather look upward, refer all to the divine
principle and wait in as complete a silence as References
it can command for the light from above. In
this way it is possible to transmute a great part 1. Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary
of our intellectual thinking into the luminous Library, Volume 20. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo
truth-conscious vision, — the ideal would be Ashram Trust; 1970, p. 287.
a complete transition, — or at least to increase
greatly the frequency, purity and conscious 2. Ibid., p. 287-8.
force of the ideal knowledge working behind
the intellect. The latter must learn to be subject 3. Sri Aurobindo. Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo,
and passive to the ideal faculty (15).” Volume 23. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Trust; 1999, pp. 313-14.
Central Will, the healer…
4. Sri Aurobindo. Complete Works, Volume 28. 2012,
The only subjection called for is that to the p. 99.
Divine, to Its Will, the subjection forming our
purpose, calling to our integral transformation, 5. The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother, Volume
assuring and insuring our consummate liberation 14. 2 ed. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
and healing, ensuring it unfailingly. It is about Trust; 2004, p.7.
dissolving in the Centre, in the Nucleus, the
Will, the Centre’s, and that too can happen 6. Ibid., p.7.