Page 37 - NAMAH-Oct-2019
P. 37
Namah Notes on counselling
is only the material body that will be dissolved. to be injected for chemotherapy. After the
All that you loved in her is in no way affected demise of the boy, his father developed a
by the dissolution of the material envelope; and malignant tumour in the brain and passed
if, in the calm of a deep love, you concentrate away. The unexpected introduction to the
your thought and your energy on her, you will Mother convinced the gynaecologist that if
see that she will remain close to you and that the Divine had willed the untimely demises,
you can have a conscious contact with her, a it had also made arrangements to facilitate the
contact more and more concrete (5).” soul-journey beyond life. This helped her to
face her bereavement with dignity and though
Unconscious mourning she was alone, she continued her medical
practice unabated till she passed away in
A late and apparently unrelated effect of her late seventies.
bereavement is also discernible in a section of
subjects suffering from refractory depression. One of the best ways to prepare for a trouble-
In many such cases, this scribe discovered that free bereavement is to aspire and prepare
the depressed subjects had been dreaming of for a graceful death. This holds true for the
their dear ones who had died many years and subject who is in bereavement as well as the
even decades back. They had not come out of counsellor dealing with bereavement issues.
their mourning in their unconscious realms We tend to believe that death occurs due to
— a factor which was perhaps the reason a set of circumstances. The Mother clarifies,
why their depression was not being remitted “Circumstances can be an occasion but surely
though they were being adequately treated. not a cause.The cause is in the Divine’s will and
Such subjects were advised to make a habit nothing can alter it.
of making an aspirational formation daily
to the Immanent and Omnipotent Divine “So, grieve not and surrender your sorrow at
who alone keeps the souls of the departed the feet of the Divine. He will give you peace
in its ambit. and freedom (6).”
Facilitating the journey Death is a passage to a greater realm of
consciousness which only a few can comprehend.
A senior female gynaecologist told this The journey of the soul can be hindered by
scribe how her four-year-old boy woke up grief and mourning. The bereaved ones can
one day and said he dreamt of the Mother facilitate that journey through sincere prayers,
of Pondicherry telling him, “Yes, my child, detached love and invocation for the progress
you shall come to me.” That was surprising of the soul of the departed in accordance with
as the family did not know about the Mother the Divine Will.
and the boy had never before spoken a full
sentence in English. Subsequently the boy References
developed leukaemia and was brought from
Calcutta to the Mother for her blessings. He 1. Parkes CM. Bereavement — Studies of Grief in
used to put the packet containing flowers Adult Life. London: Tavistock Publications;
given by the Mother over the places he used 1972, p. 35.