Page 40 - NAMAH-Oct-2019
P. 40

Namah                                  Vol. 27, Issue 3, 15th October 2019

        much distorted, — is that man is fundamentally,  instinct of divinity is expanding to embrace
        in his core nature, divine. The divinity he  and include others. We feel sympathy for
        seeks is within him. In fact because it is within  our fellowmen, not just for those who are
        him he seeks it here and there, somewhere  our fellows but also for those who are very
        or everywhere. Even the atheist who strives  different from us in their way of life and
        for a better and more perfect world order is  customs.
        in search of this concealed divinity within.
        The man who is in the grips of dangerous  This does not end here. Our intuition for
        addictions is suffering because he feels the  divinity extends beyond man and we feel for
        loss of this inner divinity which is the source  other creatures, for animals and even plants
        of all joy and peace and thereby seeks it through  and rivers and our material environment.
        alternate routes. In fact it is never lost but  Thus we progress from our crude initial
        veiled so to say. The thicker the veil the cruder  start towards a more and more refined and
        is man’s life and his efforts to reclaim this lost  expanded state of self and being. As we thus
        paradise that he carries within him take the  progress, it becomes increasingly impossible
        form of crude means that would make him  to shut God in any narrow fixed formula
        feel empowered and give him momentary  of life or to imprison His vastness into any
        thrills and satiety. By various means he tries  dogmatic belief systems that go by the name
        to rebuild this lost divinity but fails and falls  of religion. Creeds and cults and sects may
        frustrated since he is searching the right thing  have been necessary in our early primitive
        in the wrong place. In fact if we look closely  conceptions of divinity. Our egoistic self
        we shall find that much of our suffering stems  extends towards other ego-selves that share
        from the fact that we instinctively expect the  our ideology and beliefs.
        world to be perfect. In our relationships too
        we want others to be perfect while deeply  Our idea of the One
        oblivious of our own imperfections.
                                                 But since this divinity within us is One in
        The intuitive sense of divinity          its infinity, we also wish to see this sense
                                                 of the One expressed in every other life.
        This instinctive need for a better and better  But since our idea of the One is limited
        life takes various forms in man. On the  by our narrow conception, therefore we
        one hand it creates in him an urge for  try to either eliminate or crush down or
        constant progress towards perfection. On  relegate to an inferior position all that does
        the other it is also the root cause of his  not conform to our own belief system, be
        perpetual dissatisfaction and consequent  it religious or ideological since they are
        suffering! This search for improving our  two sides of the same coin, for religion like
        own condition initially takes the form of  Ideology is mind-born. They both catch
        selfish endeavours. We are driven by desire  the shadow of something true but neither
        and ambition without care or consideration  understands what this shadow is nor how
        for others. But as man evolves into a better  to realise it in life. The only difference is
        specimen of humanity he begins to seek the  that while religion approaches it through
        betterment of others as well. It is as if our  the heart and hence sees behind this shadow

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