Page 41 - NAMAH-Oct-2019
P. 41
Namah Yogic insights into human psychology
a personal God, ideologies approach it in her in his own unique ways so that he
a secular manner by the thought and hence may get some glimpse into her complex
see behind their seeking an impersonal workings and some spilth of her powers.
and universal possibility which man must But he too misses her heart since like the
attain. But both being in ignorance end religionist and the idealist he starts with
up waging wars and become the source some presumption of her as being some
of much evil! An ordinary man with his kind of a mechanical energy.
limited concerns is focused on his earthly
needs of food and shelter and some affection To him faith comes like a response and what
and recognition. He stays within his small he discovers in Nature is the workings of a
boundaries like the animal in his den. He mechanical energy and not a conscious Force.
becomes an aggressor only if his den and His method of cold intellectual analysis
safety and the comfort-zone of personal needs through the application of reason on data
are threatened and thwarted. gathered through his limited senses leaves her
fathomless heart unguessed and unknown. He
But human beings cannot rest content for long acquires material knowledge but misses out
in this rather primitive state of an animal-like on her other even more powerful domains.
satisfaction. A time comes when they need to And since all is a single interconnected chain his
go beyond the boundaries of their comfort- material knowledge remains incomplete in the
zones and expand into other domains. This absence of a more comprehensive knowledge
opportunity is provided through various that may include other domains of existence,
strivings in us, of which religion and ideology other Space-Time-Substance combinations.
are two. However there are other means too
that man follows in his urge for progress, Art and Delight
means less aggressive and perhaps more
expressive of his inner divinity. These are Art tries to fulfil this gap to some extent, in
the various sciences and arts. a limited way. Its seeking is not for the lost
knowledge or power but for Delight. It strives
Science: search for lost knowledge and to capture and ensnare delight through forms
power and rhythms. And yet it stops short of the
Reality that it seeks since it is unable to go
Science is one of the ways through which beyond its forms of music and dance and
man searches for some lost knowledge poetry and sculpture and painting to discover
and power. The scientist too worships the formless essence of Beauty and Delight.
God knowingly or (more commonly) Just as science sees in this universe fixed
unknowingly. Only he terms this God as processes, art too limits itself to fixed forms
Nature, that vast, complex and mysterious and rhythms. Even when it tries to break free
‘something’, an energy or force and from its fixity it enters the chaotic dark end
something else which he sees as the sole of things rather than some luminous forms
governess of creation, its origin, support that are yet to express and seek to manifest
and end. He worships her through his own in us and through us. It too ensnares Delight
unique rituals, pleases and propitiates within its boundaries and hence is unable to