Page 17 - NAMAH-Jan-2020
P. 17

Namah                              Yogic insights into human psychology

        During this phase of development stretching  that help us turn inwards. A wider and
        through lives, the surface personality that we  more integral way is the triple path of the
        ignorantly call ourselves is unaware of any  Gita, or desireless action done in a state of
        soul within. Nor is there any inclination to  remembrance and offering to the Divine.
        discover it. One is generally busy facing the  There are other ways that utilise special and
        strokes and blows of life and learning from  occult means to break the barrier between
        these things. Slowly the inner seed begins  our outer self that has stuck so far to the
        to ripen. It is then that the blows increase  crust and coat of the seed. But the essential
        as if to break the outer coat and release this  thing is to turn inwards in search of the soul
        seed within. Even if there are no blows the  rather than remain busy responding to each
        individual whose soul-moment is arriving  suggestion that flows through the brain and
        begins to feel stifled within for no apparent  every sensation that knocks at our door. Quite
        reason. He feels a stranger to this world and  naturally such individuals prefer isolation
        seeks a meaning in all this drama. He raises  though as they advance on the path this
        uncomfortable questions that challenge  need is replaced by an inner isolation which
        his belief systems, whether the dogmas of  one can have even in a crowd or on the
        formal religions or the worse rigid articles  battlefield.
        of ideological beliefs. When this happens
        then the time of soul emergence is closing in.  The process of this interiorisation is again
                                                 very simple to understand though not so easy
        Next comes the moment of the unexpected.  to start with. Normally our consciousness
        Something happens, generally an outer event  is entangled with the instruments of nature
        that serves only as an excuse or a trigger, and  since that is part of the process of creation.
        our being takes a new turn. We begin to seek  Without this support of consciousness the
        spiritual truths even though not necessarily  universe will cease to exist. It is further
        in that name. We are drawn towards high  spread out through the doors of the senses
        and beautiful things. A faith and intuitive  and the mind into all kinds of external objects
        sense of the Divine, that transcends belief,  to which we are tied through attachment,
        awakens. Sooner or later we find ourselves  seeking for pleasure and even by sheer force
        undertaking some kind of an elementary  of habit. Yet this consciousness that is thus
        practice and exploring the far limits of our  tied and entangled can be withdrawn to a
        consciousness. A new journey has begun and  large extent while just enough is left to keep
        we have embarked ourselves in search of  the basic functioning of life intact.
        our soul.
                                                 Imagine, for example, that one has huge
        This journey is very different from all that we  heaps of money stored and stacked at a
        have known so far. We are no more interested  place. Now this much is not needed for the
        as much in outward things that engage the  daily maintenance or needs of life. Yet it is
        senses but are drawn inward to find our core.  stacked up and piled up due to attachment,
        This process of turning inwards is called  habit and pleasure. In the bargain we cannot
        interiorisation. Meditation, concentration,  use this money in better ways. It is simply
        contemplation are some well-known processes  not available. Yet much of it can be easily

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