Page 21 - NAMAH-Jan-2020
P. 21
aspiration is present, it slowly acquires the patient enough, the true answer will always
capacity to change and mould the physical come. So the words arise from within:
consciousness.There must be a yearning to
change the physical consciousness for this to “Nobody can give you the true mantra. It’s not
happen. We don’t want to be ‘saved’ from it: something that is given: it’s something that wells
transformation, not salvation is our ultimate up from within. It must spring from within all
goal. The body responds to the repetition of a sudden, spontaneously, like a profound,
and being a creature of habit it resonates to intense need of your being — then it has power,
this vibration. Recorded in various parts of because it’s not something that comes from
Agenda, we read how the very body cells of outside, it’s your very own cry (2).”
the Mother were repeatedly calling for the
Supreme Force and Light. The body can join So we must be open to the influence of the
in the mantra too.... soul, there must be some contact with it,
otherwise the quest will be totally futile:
I have found that continuous repetition has
a way of annulling negativity. The habitual “But those who have no conscious contact with
aspect of the mantra even breaks down and their soul cannot find their mantra — their head
dissolves the habitual tendencies of our entire will search for words, but that’s nothing. I said
nature. It is a beautiful paradox. Repeating the mantra must well up from within — but for
the sacred name through japa absolves and them, nothing will well up! They won’t find it.
transforms the repetitive and negative mindset They won’t find it, not a chance! So in that case,
of the physical mind. The Mother says in the guru passes on his own power (3).”
Agenda that, “The japa is made precisely to
control the physical mind (1).” With patience Mantra and its power
and perseverance it even enlightens the dark
caverns of our subconscious. All throughout, It is not so much the words that give the
the surface consciousness and the central mantra its power. There needs to be Force
being are joining together in collaboration: behind and a flaming aspiration must inhabit
there is a growing sense of union. It is a the calling. This explains why the guru can
process of education for the surface nature provide it even if we can’t. It is sometimes
and it starts orienting more and more inside. a convenient substitution but this is one
The tune brings it ever closer to the psychic important reason why we should choose our
influence. That chaotic noise from the surface guru very carefully. In a very vivid way, the
engine starts to stutter and over time finally mantra will define us and usually accompany
stops. us through the entire length of our life. We
need to be clear about our true dharma and
The mantra can achieve all this. But how does aim. We must have some inkling of our truth
it all start? It begins with awakening and and its part in the manifestation. The mantra
aspiration. It is a spontaneous process. One must fit our destiny. What we envisage will
awakens to the psychic influence and one day eventually take form. With the Supreme
we may ask the Divine for this secret key, our sanction anything is possible. Indeed it is
own unique, eternal Word. Provided we are ‘automatic’, but there is always a mutuality