Page 18 - NAMAH-Jan-2020
P. 18
Namah Vol. 27, Issue 4, 15th January 2020
withdrawn and our daily needs will be well streams of sweetness and love until we reach
looked after. The same applies to energy its very source in the soul. The two routes are
and consciousness. We can either waste it in fact complimentary since the closer we get
or simply hoard it for outer things, objects to the soul the more we open the doors to
of pleasure or trying to satisfy the ego and intuition. Equally, the more our discursive
desire-self. By doing so we remain tied to the mind becomes quiet and the more intuitive
prison-house of nature. We remain tied to the we become, the more we get closer to our
ever-changing phenomenon and our habitual soul. Our soul hides behind the surface noises
reactions of pleasure and pain to the changing that drown our inner being. Its light is unable
situations of life. But since deep within we to shine upon our life since there is too much
are born with certain deeper needs such as of turbulence, agitation and restlessness. All this
Peace, Freedom, unchanging Bliss, unmixed storm and noise that drowns the soul’s voice
Truth, unconditional Love, we begin to suffer and does not allow the inner light to surface
after a certain period of initial enjoyment of arises primarily from the desire-self. This and
these surface things. not any arbitrary and artificial morality of
reward and punishment by some primitive
Soul-suppression and soul-release God is the reason why yoga trains and teaches
us to quieten the cries of desires.
In other words there is a kind of suffering
that humanity is increasingly experiencing The yogin also does not much waste his time
and it is the stifling and suppression of their in mental debates and discussions that leave
soul’s aspiration and cry. This is so because us and others as unconvinced as before. If you
human evolution has reached a point wherein ask a yogin to discuss logically whether there
the soul having gone through experiences is a soul or not he may simply say try to find
of many lives is getting ready to lead the it out for yourself. This is another reason why
march of mankind to its next step. Until now we do not find much talk about it in academic
it is the mind and the vital parts that have circles. Of course one can logically prove the
been the leaders. Mind has now entered a fast existence of a soul (and logically disprove it
forward pace leading soon to its exhaustion too!) but such logically held or refuted beliefs
and arriving at its summit possibilities. are like tilling a barren soil or planting an
Already a section of mankind is experiencing artificial flower with little real outcome. It is
this ceiling of uncertainties that the mental the ground of various theologies, ideologies,
evolution has struck. religions and cults of various kinds. Yoga
does not seek to convince the mind, knowing
Also a lop-sided mental evolution has jammed well that it is next to impossible. Instead it
the doors of the heart and many human beings appeals to a deeper intuitive sense and to
suffer this deficiency of love (for want of a our intrinsic faith and then simply asks us to
better term) in their lives. The mind needs ‘go ahead and find the soul.’ That is why we
now to break through this ceiling and arrive find little or no mention of it in theoretical
either at the home of intuition or open the discussions, though a more practice-oriented
long sealed heart cave and following the psychology has begun to admit the possibility
light that resides there swim through the with good results. The evidence exists in the