Page 27 - NAMAH-Jan-2020
P. 27

Namah                                                     Reflections

        Word was with God, and the Word was God  dog, and anything could happen. When there
        (1)”; and the fourth verse is “In him was life,  are too many parameters in an equation, too
        and that life was the light of all mankind (2).”  many interactions and unknowns, then the
        So, Sound precedes Light from the Christian  mind cannot conceive of a neat solution. It is
        perspective. Other cultures have other genesis  then called the realm of non-linear dynamics
        myths. Several Egyptian creation myths say  and the solutions come out of complexity
        the first incident was the rising of the sun  theory. The solution set is a geometric pattern
        out of the infinite, lifeless sea of chaos. But  of possible solutions (3). Systems thinkers
        another Egyptian myth says it was Ptah, the  trying to expand the boundaries of science
        god of craftsmen, who created everything by  have allowed for such solution sets, and have
        uttering their names one by one. He would  even re-defined life and consciousness to fit
        have uttered the word for light to produce  their paradigm.
        light, making sound the primary creation
        and everything else secondary.           Orders of knowledge-systems

        Orders of theories                       But the theories are still bound to the scientific
                                                 methodology. In psychology we are talking
        Given these possible solutions, you may be  about orders of knowledge-systems, not just
        tempted to ask the questioner to re-define  orders of scientific theories. The physical
        the question. The rationalistic mindset does  world is a subset of the psychological, which is
        not like an open-ended solution set. It likes  a subset of the mythological, which is a subset
        one-to-one relationships, such as: one cause  of the spiritual. To prove to the man who is
        produces the same effects every time. It is  within the bubble of the physical sciences
        the domain of linear equations. The other  that free-will and culture shape his solution
        problems are outside its consideration, such  space, means asking him to burst his bubble.
        as free-will, life, consciousness. As science has  And this process is arduous, as Galileo will
        progressed, its method has admitted orders  vouch for. So James Hillman (1926-2011)
        of theories, as a series of larger and larger  comes out clean. Hillman started as a Jungian
        sets. Quantum mechanics has embraced  psychotherapist; then he developed his own
        unpredictability. It says there is a chance an  methods, called Archetypal Psychology. He
        electron will exist in a certain place at a certain  does not even attempt to take the rationalist
        time. Its probability can be calculated, but not  on his journey. He does not debate, nor does
        its precise location. But quantum mechanics  he provide any logical explanations.He states
        assures us that in the macro level you will  what he feels is true. The proof of his theory is
        not fall off your chair because of the whim of  in its practicability. If his sort of therapy helps
        electrons. The probabilities will be so close  people who are suffering from psychological
        to one, you will be able to predict the motion  disturbances, or if it enhances the quality of
        of large objects. The theory of Relativity  life, enabling people to live to the fullest, then
        explains Newtonian laws — not the other  this theory has created well-being.
        way around, because Relativity is a superset
        of Newtonian mechanics. You kick a ball and  Before Hillman, Carl Jung had intuited the
        its trajectory can be predicted. You kick a  limits of the ‘science’ of psychology. He pushed

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