Page 29 - NAMAH-Jan-2020
P. 29

Namah                                                     Reflections

        Help her explore her inner world. Look at  within her that wants to grow into a beautiful
        clues in her dreams, in the literature she reads,   tree, give it sunlight and water, not pesticides
        in the people that make her happy, in the  and growth hormones. Then stand back and
        encounters she fears, in the images of her life.   watch it thrive.”
        Don’t name the disease, because it may not
        have a name at all. Each person has a unique  References
        calling, and therefore distinct maladies of the
        psyche. Also, be humble to realise there may   1.  John. New International version/ Biblica.
        not be a cure. Healing is a journey — not a   [Online] Available from: https://www.
        destination. You are walking with the patient Accessed16
        today, yesterday others were walking with   November 2019.
        her; tomorrow she may walk elsewhere. Your
        task is to make her walk, no matter where   2.  Ibid.
        and with whom. This walk is life, whether
        with friends to the magical kingdom of Oz,   3.  Capra F, Luisi PL. The systems view of life: A
        or uphill rolling up the stone, like Sisyphus.   unifying vision. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
        If you respect the patient’s calling, the seed   University Press; 2014, pp. 11-12.

           Lopa Mukherjee is a writer and documentary maker of educational and spiritual topics, and is a
                             psychology student in San Francisco, California.

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