Page 35 - NAMAH-Jan-2020
P. 35
Notes on counselling
Dissociation of consciousness — implications in psychology and yoga
Dr. Soumitra Basu
Dissociation of consciousness is not only a psycho-pathological construct but has cultural
and spiritual connotations too. While clinical psychology would explore multiple
personalities resulting from dissociation, a consciousness perspective would reach beyond
multiple self-states at the outer being to an Unitary Self deep within that transcends the
It is well known that an aspect of consciousness petechiae (in episodes marked as stigmata
can become dissociated at times. In other of Christ) during intense religious fervour.
words, there can be a temporary alteration Such feats are executed in the famous
in the integrative functions of awareness or Kumbha Melas (great religious fairs held
identity. The part of consciousness dissociated periodically) in India. What is exceptional
from the dimension of awareness can create a is that during these episodes there is no
sort of third reality where fantasised elements pain or bleeding, a phenomenon probably
can be projected in terms of objectivity. Such a mediated by endorphins. Typically such
reaction can occur as a response to emotional culture-friendly episodes are short lasting
conflicts or internal or external stress. and when the subject comes back to the usual
mode of life, he or she is again subject to pain
Culture- friendly disssociation and bleeding. There is also no blackout of
memory of the altered states for the subject
Yet, certain dissociative states may not be remembers everything though emotionally
necessarily viewed in a pathological way. highly charged.
There are dissociative states which have
cultural implications. Thus, the phenomenon Adaptive dissociation
of dissociation is perceived in altered states
of consciousness where subjects jump on Then there are some dissociated states which
a bed of nails, self-harm themselves, walk act to safeguard the body and mind during
through fire and even develop weals and intense crisis. In such cases, dissociation