Page 33 - NAMAH-Jan-2020
P. 33

Namah                                          Cancer: a cheap bargain

        Inner guidance at work                   adventure, full of joy which is not dependent
                                                 on people and external circumstances to
        It seems to me that once stabilised in or at  proceed in a certain way. A joy which does
        least aware of our truth, our psychic presence,  not give in to the demands of the vital and the
        the only way is to go forward and deeper. A  surface mind. Even if it does, it is reclaimed
        reversal to fall back into the lower states of  quickly. Every outer signal, experience or
        consciousness run by patterns of the mind  stimulus is an invitation to go deeper within.
        and wants of the vital is not possible. And  Nowhere, but within.
        once the anchoring has happened, a life full
        of enthusiasm, a life full of service for the  I have been blessed to have two little children,
        higher, a life full of challenges for the self to  who are harbingers of light every now and
        deepen the inner work, and a life full of joy,  then in their own innocent ways. It is not that
        is what is possible.                     I never stray from my path. It is just that I
                                                 get back very easily and quickly, intimately
        Divine Grace is guiding everyone at each  basking in my inner light. It is as if I have
        moment, it is in the hands of our free-will  become a servant of the Inner Guide. It is
        to listen to it or block its path and be deaf and  only now, in this newfound joy of being, that
        insensitive. I had been deaf, blind and insensitive.  I love being around children and can care for
        But I wonder if I could ever visit those lanes again  them, can enjoy the tiny moments with them
        for no matter how many difficulties I have to go  and not hurry to become something in future.
        through, there is a knowing that I must abide  I see that through my children I have been
        in the psychic forever.                  able to learn so much. As if through them, I
                                                 am entering into a new World, a dimension
        I have remained in good emotional, mental  which I could not have imagined to ever visit.
        and physical health since 2016. With the  How they live so fully those tiny moments of
        guidance of the Grace, I have been shown the  the day! How they are innately guided to act
        path to serve the vision of Sri Aurobindo and  and how dangerous it can be for a caregiver
        the Mother. It just happened by itself, as time  to be overtly directive towards them, which
        passed. I feel extremely blessed to be on this  only regresses their innate intelligence.
        path and look forward to the opportunities
        for further service.                     I have slowed down from the pace of my
                                                 life and learnt to live each day as it comes,
        Life is lighter now. There is virtually no  anchoring within time and guided by the
        mental burden. Also there is a sensitivity  vision of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. For
        towards the burden, in a sense that as soon  this life is extremely precious. And anything
        as the burden enters, I can see it and let it go.  is a cheap bargain to realise the preciousness
        I have been shown that no mental burden is  of this human birth.
        worth carrying on this delicate path.
                                                 “The secret is to emerge from the ego, out of its
        Life ahead                               prison, unite ourselves with the Divine, merge
                                                 into him, not to allow anything to separate us
        With the new-found focus within, each day is an   from him.  Once one has discovered this secret

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