Page 38 - NAMAH-Jul-2020
P. 38

Namah                                     Vol. 28, Issue 2, 15th July 2020

        individual navigates through the change.  Similarly it is with the different human types.
        Some will fall back, though temporarily, to  In essence all humanity is the same even as
        the old way of life even though something  all creation is the same in its core and source.
        within will feel the pain of losing an inner  But they are different in terms of the quality
        opportunity for growth. They bargain security  of nature that each one predominantly
        for progress. Others will take their chances  embodies, the temperament born with the
        and leap towards the future. Passing through  soul-type, the evolutionary urge generating
        a phase of uncertainty they will stabilise their  within him, the pressure to grow, among
        feet on the new step of the gain stairway  other things. This should not be seen as a
        of consciousness built for man’s ascension  racist view which sees some human beings as
        towards the very highest possibility that  higher and others as lower. On the contrary
        awaits him in some near or distant future.  it means that each human being is constantly
        This higher possibility foreseen for man and  moving up the evolutionary ladder. The more
        glimpsed in the life of countless seers, saints  evolved was at some point of time on the lower
        and yogis is the emergence of the spiritual  rung. Similarly the presently less evolved is
        man out of the sattvic mould.            preparing to move forward and further.

        The evolutionary ladder of normalcy      In fact the sign of an evolved type is that
                                                 he instinctively understands the lesser stair
        Of this we shall speak subsequently. But  and hence deals with the different layers of
        this much we can see, that in the language  humanity with a respect and compassion
        of yoga normalcy itself is seen along an  that understands even as it leans to help.
        evolutionary hierarchy. This also provides us  The same is however not expected of a lesser
        with a framework for working through the  evolved type. He knows not the next step
        different layers of humanity. This idea that all  and hence he completely misunderstands
        human beings are the same and therefore can  the evolved type of humanity. He sees it in
        be dealt in the same way has created much  his own light and thinks the other is either a
        confusion of thought and action. For example  sham or a hypocrite or at best a weirdo and
        we ignorantly believe that a given system  a freak. Or else he may sometimes admire
        of therapy or practices, be it even spiritual  and look upon the evolved type with awe
        practices, can apply equally to all. It is this  and admiration and yet it is hard for him
        mistake that has also led to fixity and eventual  to understand and comprehend his way of
        hardening of sects and organised religions.  working since the operating systems are
        The truth of the matter is that different human  different and though each may be standing
        beings need different things including  on the same ground they are seeing different
        psychotherapeutic interventions. One does  things through their own unique windows.
        not deal with the pigeon and the snake or  One in essence but different in manifestation
        the lion and the deer in the same way even  or soul/self-expression is the key here.
        though they are all beautiful animals. Each
        is needed for the balance of the world-play  The mixed types
        and has its own place in the complex and
        intricate web of creation.               We may ask if there is any validation of this

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