Page 41 - NAMAH-Jul-2020
P. 41
Namah Think it over
Habits take their strength and their compelling safety that nourishes our primal reptilian
power from two ways of the human being’s brain. We may observe ourselves and assess,
functioning, which unfold simultaneously from the time we are waking up until going
and unconsciously. The first is the natural back to sleep, to which extent our daily life
way the Divine has planned mankind’s is segmented by rituals that unfold one after
evolution. The brain consumes the larger the other, always in the same way. Let’s take a
part of energy of the whole body-mind short glance at our breakfast-time. How many
organism, despite its weight, which is about amongst us wake up in the same manner, get
3% of the total bodyweight. Thus, in order out of bed in the same way, do things before
for the brain to evolve sustainably will breakfast, take always the same beverage,
require the natural tendency to decrease the at the same place, at the same time, in the
amount of energy it consumes at each instant. same cup, with the same clothes, with the
Practically, avoiding the consumption of too same food, looking at the same items (be it
much energy, means that the brain uses the the flowers or the computer), listening to
same neuronal connections that are already the same radio channel in the morning, etc?
functioning. Therefore, thinking and doing From this assessment, it is obvious that 80%
things the same way, without considering of our thoughts will be similar to the ones of
other alternatives. yesterday. Breakfast may be the first of our
rituals. If we don’t pay attention, the whole
The mind is like a plough pulled by two cows. course of our day is ritualised in the same
Once the farmer has put the ploughshare at manner.
the beginning of the furrow, the ploughshare
will follow its path. The deeper the furrow, A few years back, there was an advertisement
the easier the ploughshare is guided. At some on a French channel about a kitchen- brand.
point, the ploughshare will guide the cows, A man, during a match of football, was
by preventing them to change direction! The running from the living room to the kitchen
more a habit has been validated over a long in total darkness, moving easily from one
time, with the tacit agreement of the thinker, drawer to another, from one cupboard to
the more the habit is deeply rooted in the another, and in this total obscurity, finding
system. Of course, here, we only consider the everything easily he was looking for,
habits that have been created in the current without missing a single instant of the match
life and we don’t take into consideration the that was playing on the living room’s TV.
generational and systemic patterns. The advertisement was supposed to show
how the kitchen was smartly conceived and
The subconscious ritualisation of our life organised, when no more attention needs
to be paid nor more light is needed to find
The second way of functioning, as a con- anything. In fact the advertisement showed
sequence of the first, is our unconscious us the perfect way in which the brain had
inclination to ritualise our whole life in short previously registered all the details of the
sequences. This segmentation of our routine kitchen by repeating the same gestures,
makes things easier to handle and brings so that the man became capable of doing
back an unconscious sense of comfort and everything in the dark, while listening to