Page 40 - NAMAH-Oct-2020
P. 40
Namah Vol. 28, Issue 3, 15th October 2020
Rate of Speech Intelligibility in Patients with Dysarthria
Rhythmic Stimulation — xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx transfer exercise to be carried out after therapy.
4. In this step, the patient is asked to read in Swara Rhythm — Sa Re Ga Re Ga Ma
the defined tempo and mode text material Ga Ma Pa Sa (Pause)
that is optimally structured for their speaking Spoken Rhythm — went for a ride in a green-
ability with a metronome and try to speak coloured shoe (pause). Now is the time that
one syllable per beat in a slow and fast we find what to do (pause)
pace. The patient should speak freely to Conclusion
rhythmic stimulation.This usually works
best when the therapist is asking very simple The findings and conclusion of this research
questions (What is the day today?; What article provide an evidence-based view of Music
did you have for breakfast?; etc.) The Therapy on effective, appropriate and specific
therapist is given a monologue on a chosen treatment techniques for improving the quality
topic. This step was the most important in of speech production and communication in
the RSC training and took maximum time older adults. The research has been focused
than the other training steps in the session. on high prevalence speech pathology, such as
acquired dysarthria.
Swara Rhythm — Sa Re Ga Sa Re Ga
Spoken Rhythm — What is the day today 1. The improvement of intelligibility, rate, and
Rhythmic Stimulation — xxxxxx naturalness of the speech.
5. In the final step the patient is asked to speak 2. With the help of a well designed structural
freely without rhythmic stimulation, but treatment plan by Music Therapist.
maintaining the objectives of therapeutic
goals and the therapist suggested some 3. The treatment plan is structured and equipped