Page 10 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 10

Namah                                  Vol. 28, Issue 4, 15th January 2021

        Thus the evolutionary paradigm would  the play of strife, conflict and battle should
        study how aggression moves up the scale  dominate. To be successful in the lower
        from the world of animals. The physical  Nature, aggression and violence would not
        paradigm would unravel the workings of  be unnatural. There was therefore no option
        the consciousness as discernible through the  for Sri Krrssna but to sanction the battle of
        neuro-endocrine axis. The depth psychology  Mahabharata as a law of action in the field of
        would delve down to understand the  Ignorance. No wonder that Heraclitus had
        unconscious roots of behaviour. The social  declared that war was the father of all things.
        sciences would study the social matrix that  History is testimony to the fact that it is itself
        facilitates aggression.                  a chronicle of battles and assassinations in a
                                                 life of peoples subsisting in Ignorance. If an
        Yoga psychology acknowledges that a world  emperor wanted to enforce peace, he had
        of multiplicity, that facilitates uniqueness, can  to force the rebellious groups, albeit with
        only do justice to itself if it has lost the unity-  violence, to agree to peace! In other words,
        principle. But that was inevitable to build a  it is impossible to avoid aggression in the
        world of variability and differentiation. What  domain of lower Nature.
        could happen if we shifted to a world where
        the multiplicity was aware of the unity-principle,  As aggression is inevitable in the lower Nature,
        where variability would manifest in a matrix of  some idealists have advocated peaceful and
        unity? All our equations would change.   physically non-violent approaches to demand
                                                 justice and rights, thinking that this could
        Spiritual experience reveals that such a  be a superior mode of action. The Mother
        possibility actually exists where the multiplicity  was categorical that physical non-violence
        is simultaneously aware of its unitary origin.  actually facilitated moral violence which
        This is possible in a superior poise of Nature  was equally disruptive: “…moral violence is
        called Higher Nature or Paraprakrrti.    just as bad as physical violence. It can even be
                                                 worse; that is, at least physical violence obliges
        Nature or Prakrti in the Indian tradition is actually   you to become strong, self-controlled, whereas
        cosmic energy. The world of multiplicity and   moral violence….. You can be like this (Mother
        variability that has lost contact with the unity-  demonstrates an apparent calm) and yet have a
        principle operates in the lower Nature or  terrible moral violence (2).”
        Aparaaprakrrti. This is a world of Ignorance as
        the underlying unity cannot express itself. It is  It is only if there is a shift of consciousness
        natural that a variable multiplicity can thrive in  from the lower Nature to the Higher Nature
        a matrix of disequilibrium where development  that the saga of aggression and violence
        of the uniqueness of a particular entity can  would become redundant. The Higher
        be at the cost of another. If one nation wins  Nature operates on the unity-principle and
        a battle or if one team wins a football match  is therefore reflective of true Knowledge
        then simultaneously another nation is defeated  that is wholistic and integral. The Higher
        and another team is the loser.           Nature is the domain of peace, harmony and
                                                 spontaneous mutuality where aggression and
        Thus in the lower Nature it is natural that  violence are not required.

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