Page 13 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 13

Namah                              Yogic insights into human psychology

        But as anyone with an awakened thought  yoga takes hold of to go beyond humanity.
        can see, these are such inadequate means  Humanity, at least as we experience it, has
        that if we were to rely upon them alone then  according to yoga, not yet arrived at its
        we have to give up on perfecting life beyond  complete possibilities. This is something
        a certain point. That highest point will be  that even common sense and the long
        determined by the limits of our senses and  history of earthly evolution would tend to
        reason, but also by the limits of our moral and  agree. Even a little look into man’s nature
        ethical considerations. We all however know  would tell us that man is programmed
        that reason alone is insufficient to take us  for evolution, at least to a transcendence
        beyond a point in our search for knowledge.  of what he believes himself to be. The
        We also know how even an awakened sense  difference however lies in the discovery
        of ethics cannot resolve certain dilemmas that  made by yoga that this further evolution
        we encounter in our daily life.          of man is not only likely but is very much
                                                 possible and is at least partially in man’s
        And yet despite these obvious limits, the  hands.
        dream of perfection never dies. It survives
        every defeat and failure. It returns even after  Yoga uses this innate aspiration and urge
        civilisations have collapsed and a whole age  in man to go beyond itself and, by pushing
        of mankind has vanished from the face of the  one aspect or element or power of nature
        earth. Even when our outer life is burdened  to exceed beyond the limits of its normal
        and busy with the tramp and noise of external  possibilities, pierces a little hole in the
        things, this dream of a higher, a better, a  magic fence of nature. Then, through this
        greater life shimmers in some far background.  hole, the human consciousness escapes
        In moments of crisis it bounces back with a  into other domains and dimensions of
        cry or else in some lucid moments when a  existence that await our discovery. By
        ray from the higher worlds stoops for a while  doing so, we discover a new Self which
        and lights up our dark rooms we experience a  is very different from the self with which
        sudden burst of sight and a revealing insight  we are presently identified. Our present
        shows us what we had never ever imagined.  sense of self is a construct of our birth and
        But after the moment is gone, the crisis is over  environment, it is a temporary mechanism
        and the heavenly light retires, we return to  of nature which we have to discard or
        our old ways and feel safe within our human  use as an instrument once we discover a
        boundaries and take comfort in numbers.  greater Self within us. So too, our nature has
        Yet the aspiration, the longing returns and  latent possibilities which can be discovered
        intensifies with every fall. It spreads through  or rather uncovered through yoga. We do use
        different layers and members of our complex  some of these latent possibilities though
        being, preparing us in ways we cannot even  often quite unconsciously. Take for instance
        conceive until one day the attractive cocoon of  the role of thought-formations in health
        our human sheaths begin to stifle the winged  and healing. Through yoga we are able
        angel within us.                         to naturally draw thought-power that is
                                                 uplifting and full of positive hope and
        It is this persistent aspiration in humanity that  rejuvenating energy and healing vibrations.

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