Page 14 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 14

Namah                                  Vol. 28, Issue 4, 15th January 2021

        A stage of transition from the mental to  develops in us a morbid cynicism which
        the spiritual                            can lead us to the verge of despair. Life and
                                                 everything around us may seem strange and
        In other words, human evolution is not yet  meaningless, a vanity of vanities, an illusion
        over. Yoga teaches us to evolve consciously  that traps us inside desire’s many-hued
        rather than unconsciously through millennia  bubble. We experience then the celebrated
        and in a rather complicated way of learning  vairagya of the ascetic and start turning away
        through each and every kind of life experiences.  from life as a thing that is meaningless and
        However there is a stage that often intervenes  futile.
        between the actual taking up of conscious yoga
        and the urge to go beyond human aspirations,  Though this state of vairagya or disenchantment
        and which begins to start and stir within us.  and disillusionment with life may come due
        This preparatory or transitional stage can often  to recoil from difficulties or else owing to
        be quite painful. It is sometimes marked  some temporary failures, it is only when it
        with hypersensitivity; or else by a feeling of  arises naturally, spontaneously as a result of
        being disconnected with everything around; or  our evolution that it has a true spiritual value.
        feeling like a stranger amidst familiar people;  As long as we are satisfied with life as it is,
        or the wish to be alone when one spends  as long as we are happy with ourselves, our
        time reflecting upon life quite spontaneously.  outer achievements, our success stories, we
        Sometimes one just has an insatiable urge  are not yet ready for the true spiritual life. It
        to know or a drive towards perfection. At  is rather difficult for such people to take to an
        other times there is an abundance of energy,  authentic spiritual life. They may believe in a
        of love or even mental intelligence, trying to  Higher Power but only in a religious sense.
        burst forth.                             The Higher Power or God is there only to
                                                 satisfy their hungers, to assure them success,
        People in this stage or phase undergo a lot  to satiate their endless desires and ambitions.
        of internal suffering which is not necessarily
        connected to any significant outer events.  True spiritual life however begins only when,
        Outer crisis which nature uses to awaken  in spite of all that we can or have achieved,
        us to the need of evolution begins to change  we are not fully satisfied with the human
        into an inner crisis, what is sometimes called  formula. We seek something else, a qualitative
        an existential crisis or a spiritual emergency.  something that we cannot name and yet we
        It is a stage when our ego-self, which was  feel it is there. It may come either negatively
        thick-skinned and therefore indifferent to  by developing disillusionment, having seen
        everything except its own selfish interests,  through the neat masks and façade of life, or
        begins to develop a hypersensitivity to  else positively by searching for something
        everything. It begins to become a sensitive  still greater and higher, having sounded the
        instrument that responds to the slightest  last limit of possibilities that human life can
        touch. Sometimes this hypersensitivity  offer. While both these states can be useful for
        takes an unhealthy route of feeling the need  our spiritual evolution, the latter is certainly
        to suffer and be a martyr at the altar of the  superior and has a far greater power to propel
        world-forces. But this helps no one. It only  us high beyond the last human limits. Those

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