Page 20 - NAMAH-Oct-2021
P. 20
Develop your own immunity
James Anderson
Developing one’s own immunity is important for everyone in current life. It is imperative in
Integral Yoga. The author outlines the various gradations of self-immunity.
This implies growing and the process is
termed yoga. Your continuing dissatisfaction
is an indicator that something higher, more
wide, and luminous is possible. You must
break free of your ties and conditionings and
exceed yourself continuously. If you want
to progress you have to simply stand apart
from the herd and find your own unique
individuality. You are faced with a choice to
either go with the flow or swim against the
tide; either you conform or you stretch every
sinew to exceed yourself. What we choose for
our immunity is one case in point.
In the modern world, we are surrounded by
many negative and harmful influences. Even
the environment we live in is toxic to the core.
Pandemics are on the rise. Human behaviour
is more anti-social than ever. You have endured
You are not born to only die. You have a greater a constant barrage from the time that you
destiny and if you have been beckoned, you were born and will continue enduring it
are here to discover your immortal Self. You until the day you die. In the course of your
yearn to transcend your mortal limitations, life, many riddles have to be processed and
the boundaries of your very own humanity. solved, not least how to consciously expand in