Page 24 - NAMAH-Oct-2021
P. 24
Namah Vol. 29, Issue 3, 15th October 2021
Psychic immunity the more and with a great strength of will keep
the faith that nothing can do you harm, nothing
We have to be watchful of negative states can touch you. This suffices, you can throw off
which damage this protection. Most of all the illness at that moment (4).”
we need to be vigilant against fear. Fear
will render any subtle protection totally When we move beyond the subtle domains,
obsolete. Vigilance is a very necessary our immunity becomes more whole and
attribute, particularly in the early stages complete. We are moving beyond barriers
of our saadhanaa and we find that, after time which solely protect us from physical hurt and
and practice, this attribute assumes a harm. We are learning to immunise ourselves
more psychic quality. The psychic attuning from every wrong movement inside; we also
is a hard-won state. With this connection, discover a new space of greater psychological
we can spontaneously become conscious immunity.
of any disruptive inner movements which
don’t fit. We can take the onset of desire as an example.
Any number of afflictions could be cited. This
definitive immunity, which comes from, “a
constant inner relation with the inner Divine
Presence”, where one is “enveloped in an
atmosphere of knowledge, light, beauty, purity,
which is the best of all protections against desire”.
When the contagion of desire presents itself,
it, “loses its force and instead of coming like a
movement which evokes a blind and immediate
response, one perceives what is happening,
becomes aware of the force which wants to
The Mother describes a circumstance where enter and one can quietly want it — or when
an illness breaches the subtle defence. If our it is not wanted — make an inner movement
consciousness can be activated as quickly and reject the incoming desire. This is the only
as possible after the intrusion, damage can true defence: a wakeful consciousness, pure and
be averted. Truly the consciousness needs alert, so to say, which does not sleep, does not let
to be poised as immunising ourselves from things enter without being aware of them (5).”
the threat of illness is truly a round-the-clock
experience! There is no greater safeguard in Integral
Yoga than to live inside the Mother. She
“If you are not conscious at that moment, says, “I am constantly enveloping you, as
the next minute or a few minutes later you it were, in a cocoon of peace (6).” What a
get a queer sick feeling inside, a cold in the Boon She is to our struggling humanity!
back, a little uneasiness, the beginning of This kind of immunity, to live inside this
some disharmony; you feel a maladjustment cocoon, necessitates a complete faith and
somewhere, as though the general harmony had surrender. It defines you as one of her
been disturbed. Then you must concentrate all children and faith is what should define